June 25th 2006 – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Peter's Pence Collection this Weekend
aids Holy Father.
The special annual collection for the Holy Father and the work of the universal Church will be taken up at all Masses this weekend of June 24th/25th.
Known as the "Peter's Pence" collection, the proceeds are sent directly to Rome to be used by the Pope.
Offerings made by the faithful to the Holy Father are used for the works of the Church, for humanitarian work, as well as for the support of the activities of the Holy See.

We remember in our prayers Nellie O'Leary, Capwell Ave. Nellie despite her years (86) was very involved in Parish life right up to the end. We appreciate all she did and pray that the Lord will reward her for her service.  Michael Mulcahy, Fr.Matthew Rd,. We expend our sympathy to Terry Faul whose brother Mons. Denis Faul has died. He did so much to promote peace in Northern Ireland.  May they rest in peace.  May all who mourn be comforted.

We Congratulate
Canon Brendan McCarthy
, originally from Cross Douglas Road, who celebrates 50 years in the priesthood. He was an altar boy here in Turners Cross. He is now based in Walton-on-Thames, England. Ad multos annos!

to Con Quigley, Congress Road, who was recently awarded the highest award in Scouting – The Chief Scouts Award. Well done, Con!

Turners Cross Gramophone Circle
Final Recital of the Season in the Parish Centre this Tuesday 27th June  at 7.45 pm
Presenter – Colette Buckley

Heading out
Some programs focus on naming your secret fear. The idea is that with their help, you name, claim and tame what you secretly dread. There is a power in acknowledging what alarms you. What do you fear? What might cause you to tremble, or worry? Some are obvious: the death of a loved one, or our own, the loss of a job, crime, health.
At the beginning of the Gospel, the disciples are terrified by the storm outside. By the end they are terrified by the storm inside.  They realise that they are in the presence of One who controls the elements. Isn’t that the way we are? Either we are afraid of the storms or elements raging outside which have the power to destroy our lives or we are afraid of the Christ inside the boat with us who has the power to change our lives. 
Some of us stay in the harbour of course; our faith is dry-docked. The problem is that we tend to be land-locked by fear, and don’t sail out to the horizon with an unquenchable faith? Others set out in boats with false gods which exist in every age. Our wits in the market place, our ability at work, the image projected by our car or home or the ‘success’ of our children. Don’t sell yourself short. With Christ on board, fear is never necessary or justified.
Fr Tom Cox