April 16th 2006 – Easter Sunday

From the Priests of the Parish
A Happy Easter
Our prayer for you is that the Joy and Peace of the
Risen Christ be with you this Easter

Easter Prayer
Praise to you Lord
for the empty tomb
Praise to you Lord
for your return from the dead
Praise to you Lord
for men and women redeemed
Praise to you Lord
for a new world.
Risen Lord, friend and brother,
may we know you more clearly,
love you more dearly
and follow you more nearly
day by day.

The Women who stayed
Programme makers are often fond of the what-if scenario. How would history have played out if circumstances had been different? If Hitler's Germany had prevailed? If John F. Kennedy or Lincoln had not been assassinated? If the Berlin Wall had not fallen or Pope John Paul II not have been elected? Christians at Easter could try it out as well. What if the women who followed Jesus had not gone to Calvary or to the Tomb? You only see John at the cross with the mother of Jesus and the two Marys. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea make a belated entry in the burial of Jesus. The women remained with Jesus from the anointing at the Passover supper through crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection. If we were to depend on male accounts, the Gospels would end rather abruptly at Gethsemane for the most part. Even John needed the women as witnesses to corroborate his account. Only for the women disciples, it would have been rather different. The news of Easter resurrection would be communicated differently.
What made them stay when all earthly hope was gone? What makes anyone persist? It must have come down to that much abused word – Love. What about you? Only for you – this world would be so different. Do you feel as if hope is buried, or in a rut, unloved, unwanted, presumed upon, feeling unnecessary? All things work to good and God. Even helpless bystanders at Calvary played their role, It1s the attitude of love that counts.
–  Fr. Tom Cox

Easter Triduum of Massses
The Triduum Masses will begin on Easter Sunday 10.30am, and continues Monday and Tuesday at 10 am.

Important Dates
May 6th    First Holy Communion Boys
May 20th    First Holy Communion Girls

It is always difficult to relate to something that lies beyond our personal experience. We know only too well what it is like to experience suffering and pain.
Resurrection, however, is something we hope to experience in the future. Yet it is something which lies at the heart of our Christian faith, the very basis of Christian faith and hope: that which redeems all human life and experience.
Does the Resurrection inspire me to a new beginning? To get rid of old yeast, old ways, old fears. To face the future with confidence and faith and to share that hope with a world so in need of God's redemptive love!

We remember in our prayers Billy Lynch, "Carrigdown", South Douglas Rd who died recently. Billy's sister Margaret died some weeks ago. We extend our sympathy to their family.

Morning Mass
In the coming weeks there will be one morning Mass at 10am

Trócaire Boxes
Please return your Lenten Trócaire Box as soon as you can.

For information on
* Pre-Marriage Courses
* Natural Family Planning
* Achieving `Pregnancy
* Menopause Counselling
contact N.A.O.M.I. 119 Patrick St. (Entrance on Drawbridge St.) Tel. 4272213
Monday to Friday office hrs.

Successful  Information Day
Twelve men have shown interest in finding out more about being a priest in Cork & Ross. Ten of them attended the Priesthood Information Day in Cork last weekend. The Information Day was organised for people interested in finding out more about being a priest in the Diocese of Cork & Ross. Fr. Aidan O'Driscoll, Director of Vocations for the Diocese said that the interest shown is a very positive sign. "The people range in age from 18 to 45 and come from a variety of situations," he said. "Some are doing Leaving Cert., some in college and some are graduates and in employment". The Priesthood Information Day was held in St. Dominic's Retreat Centre, Ennismore, Cork. Bishop John Buckley visited the gathering and met those who attended. Those who attended the Information Day are invited to stay in contact with the Vocations Committee and will be supported as they explore further whether they have a vocation to diocesan priesthood.
The Diocese currently has six people preparing to be priests. Anthony O'Mahony from Ardfield Parish will be ordained a priest for the Diocese in June 2006.

Jubilee Celebration
Ballyphehane Pastoral Council invited members of the public, in particular former parishioners of our Church, to our Golden Jubilee Eucharistic Celebration. The Celebration takes place at the Church of the Assumption, Ballyphehane, Cork, on Sunday April 30th at 3 pm.

Happy Birthday
Pope Benedict XVI celebrates his 79th Birthday on this Easter Sunday. Born on Holy Saturday 1927, his mother Mary and father Joseph decided that the new-born be called Joseph the name of his father. They were both devout Catholics and decided that he should be baptised that same night at the Easter Vigil in the Bavarian town of Marklam Inn. The Easter Vigil has had a very special meaning for him ever since, and even more so this year at his first Vigil as Pope.

A Thought
Easter is indeed a special time of year.  The Easter message is one that gives us all hope and gives us a timely lift. 
We all have our difficult moments.  We carry burdens, darkness, hurts, pain and disappointments.  We're not on our own, every single person carries these.  But the Easter message reminds us, that right in the middle of them, there is a promise of new life, new beginnings and a sense of hope and promise.  Without Easter we would have absolutely nothing but with Easter we have indeed everything.
Lord, I ask you to bless me with all your Easter blessings.
Bring new life, light and new beginnings into my life this Easter.