April 9th 2006 – Palm sunday

Where Are We?
Everyone has had the experience of being lost. There comes a time when you need to stop rushing around, take stock, and find your bearings again. If possible search out a landmark. Holy Week can be such a time. Every year we hear the story of Jesus and his journey to the cross – the denials by Peter, the Last Supper, the betrayal by Judas, the trail before Pontius Pilate and the crowd, the crucifixion between two criminals on Calvary.
On Monday, we are in Bethany with Jesus at Martha and Mary’s home, where his feet are anointed with costly oil. How are we in our friendships, do we give and not count the cost?
On Tuesday and Wednesday – confusion. Judas pointed out by Jesus to clueless disciples. All swear loyalty, but we know differently. Judas seeks Caiaphas. How are we doing in our commitments?
On Thursday, a shared meal and feet-washing. Serving, not being served, is the key. Is that our attitude?
On Friday – it unfolds, as we stand helpless by. Maybe we’re good at that standing by?
On Saturday, we mourn. What do I need to lament over in my life?
Holy Week is not an easy week to move through with Jesus, but the choice to walk with him belongs to each one of us. Don’t let the Easter bunny win.
Fr Tom Cox

                    HOLY WEEK
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday  10/11/12 April
   Masses    7.30 & 10.00 am
   Confessions    each day after  Mass

+           The Sacred Triduum           +
Thursday 13th April    HOLY THURSDAY
Please note there will be no morning Mass in the Church
Chrism Mass 10 am    Bishop Buckley concelebrates Mass in the Cathedral with the priests of the Diocese and blesses the Holy Oils to be used in the parishes.
All are welcome to attend.  Confessions 5.30 pm.
Concelebrated Mass of the Lord's Supper    6.00 pm
    Trocaire Family Fast Boxes presented at the Offertory Procession
   Quiet Holy Hour    8.00 pm  ?  9.00 pm

Friday 14th April    GOOD FRIDAY
        Day of Fast and Abstinence
Stations of the Cross:  12 noon. Confessions after the Stations
Solemn Celebration of the Passion of Our Lord    3.00 pm
Reading of the Passion / Veneration of the Cross / Holy Communion / Collection for the Holy Places in the Holy Land
Stations of the Cross:    6.00 pm. Confessions after the Stations

Saturday 15th April    HOLY SATURDAY
Please Note    No morning Mass today
Confessions    12 noon ? 1.00 pm
Solemn Easter Vigil and Mass of the Resurrection    6.00 pm
Easter Sunday Masses 9 am,  10.30 am  &  12 noon

Easter Triduum of Masses
Easter Sunday,  Monday, Tuesday  10 am.
       Cards are available in the Parish Office

God, I am sorry
Last month the children from our local schools sang, 'I am sorry, God for not loving you' as they celebrated their First Confession.
They have been formed with the idea that we are all connected and are bound together as family, that everything we say and do has implications for other people, that our actions or lack of them impinges on the lives of other people. For us adults maybe we could learn from them.
Gone are the days that most adults recall of the dark and foreboding box. These children made their first confession in a warm, open and comfortable way, while of course still being a little nervous.
As adults there is a lesson for us. A lesson in trust and simplicity. This weekend we are invited to follow where they have led. To come together as a parish, to reflect on how we live our lives as Christians and to 'say sorry' when we haven?t always lived up to the mark. To be welcomed back into the fold, like the lost sheep, and to be embraced in love and acceptance by God himself.

Trocaire Boxes
Please return them to the Sacristy, Parish Office or at the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday. We ask for your help by converting the smaller coins to larger ones or notes before you return the box.

Easter Offerings
The Collection at all Masses next weekend is for the Priests of the Parish. No Second Collection.

Easter Triduum
A Triduum of Masses begins on Easter Sunday. Triduum Cards available in the Parish Office today and during the week.

Turners Cross Community Games
If you would like to take part in any of the following events and are living in the Turners Cross area please contact Denise Murphy 087 2143291 after 6pm.
Art Boys & Girls Under 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. Cycling Boys & Girls U 12, 14. Gymnastics Boys & Girls U 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. Judo Girls & Boys U 16. Athletics Track & Field Girls & Boys U 8 to 16. Badminton U 15 mixed teams.

St. Joseph's Young Priests Society
Monthly meeting Tues. 11 April 8pm in the Parish Centre.