March 26th 2006 – 4th Sunday of Lent

139 young people from our parish schools will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on this Tuesday 28th March at 10.30 am. We extend a warm welcome to Archbishop Thomas White who will lead us in the ceremony.
These young people have been well prepared by their teachers, parents and families. As we leave the Church on this special day, we hope that the young people will be strengthened by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and that they will set a positive example as members of the Christian Community.
We wish all those to be confirmed and their families and teachers a lovely day on Tuesday.
On Tuesday Confirmation Day Masses at 7.30 & 9.30 am. No Mass at 10am

Archbishop White was born in Durrow and was ordained for the Diocese of Ossory (Kilkenny)  50 years ago. He served in the Diplomatic Service of The Holy See – the Pope’s representative in many parts of the world – Eastern Africa, covering an immense territory from Kuwait on the Persian Gulf to the Zambesi, with its headquarters in Nairobi, Ethiopia, Central America. His final appointment was to New Zealand, Figi and many of the Pacific Islands. In retirement, Archbishop White still travels, frequent trips to Rome and elsewhere and shorter journeys to Cork to help Bishop Buckley with the Confirmations throughout the Diocese.

Easter Triduum
A Triduum of Masses begins on Easter Sunday. Triduum Cards are available in the Parish Office during the week.

Pope John Paul II
To give thanks for the life of Pope John Paul II and to mark the First Anniversary of his death there will be a special Mass in Christ the King Church on Sunday next 2nd April, 10.30am.

We remember in our prayers Bill Foley, Greenhills Est. who died during the week and extend our sympathy to his family. May all who mourn be comforted.

Catholic Papers
The Irish Catholic, The Voice, The Universe and The Catholic Times are on sale at the back of the Church every week.

Turners Cross Gramophone Circle
Recital this Tuesday 28th March at 7.45 pm in the Parish Centre. Presenter: Tom Maher.

Mozart 250th Anniversary Concert
will take place in Christ the King Church on Friday 31st March at 8pm. The Cork Chamber Orchestra, Guest Conductor: Neil Thomson. Solo Violin: Elizabeth Cooney (NCH Rising Star 2006). The proceeds will go to the Church Grounds Repair Fund. Tickets €20 on sale in the Parish Office & Pro Musica during the week.

We would appreciate if the Area Collectors Would collect the envelopes for the Spring Dues in the Sacristy after Mass today. Thank you.

Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ. Speaker: Canon Don Bolen, Roman Catholic Co-Secretary of ARCIC – in St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral on Wed. 29th March at 8pm.

Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary Acies will be held in Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church on this Sunday 26th March at 5pm. All Active and Auxiliary Members are welcome.

Mothers Day
On this Laetare Sunday –‘Joyful Sunday’ – we wish all mothers a happy day. The 12 noon Mass will be offered for all mothers, living and dead. Cards available in the Parish Office.

When I first looked into the world,
Your smiling face I first saw,
My first steps, my first fall,
My first words, my first call,
Your smiling face I first saw.
You gave me your shoulder to cry on,
You picked me up when I was down.
Now that I am a little bigger
I want to thank you for everything,
For all you have done, for all you have given,
And for all that you have shared with me.
I want to ask God’s blessing on you today,
To bless you with an abundance of happiness
And peace in all that you do.
May God’s love be always with you and may the joys
Of Mothers Day be a reminder of how special you are,
Today and always . . . . . Amen.

Thinking of becoming a priest?
The Diocese of Cork & Ross is holding an Information Day on Priesthood in Cork & Ross. It will consist of talking, listening, discussing, praying and reflecting. This annual Information Day about becoming a priest in Cork & Ross is open to people who have questions about how to join the Diocese as a diocesan priest. It will be attended by the Diocesan Vocations Committee and some of the people currently training to be priests of the Diocese.
The Priesthood Information Day is on Saturday April 8th. 2006.
Venue: Ennismore Retreat Centre, Montenotte, Cork.
Time: 11am—5pm (lunch provided).
If you can’t attend or want to find out more, in confidence, telephone Fr. Aidan O’Driscoll at (021) 4303015 (school hours) or Fr. Bertie O’Mahony at (021) 4371684 or send an email to