Nurturing our Children's Faith
This is Education on Faith Sunday (formerly Catechetical Sunday). The Catholic Bishops of Ireland have published a Pastoral Letter entitled Nurturing Our Childrens Faith to coincide with Eduction in Faith Sunday. A summary of the Pastoral Letter will be published in our Mass Leaflet next weekend.
The Pastoral deals with the people and the methods that are important in communicating faith to children. Experience demonstrates that the faith of children is best nurtured when home, school and parish work together in partnership.
The Pastoral can also be viewed at
World Day of Prayer for the Sick
Saturday next 11th February, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, is World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
The 10 am Mass on Saturday will be offered for the sick. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be given during the Mass.
Pope Benedict has set the theme for this years World Day of Prayer for the Sick Mental Health and Human Dignity. He wishes special attention to be given to those with mental illness and he said that they should not be seen as a burden for their families and community. They should be given access to necessary forms of care and treatment. Pope Benedict also reminds those who are ill that faith can give suffering a new meaning when it becomes a sharing in the saving work of Christ.
Bishop Buckley has asked us to pray for those who are suffering in any way at this time and to pray for their families. We pray also for the carers in the home. He encourages us to visit the sick, especially those in long term care in hospitals and nursing homes.
Prayers for those who are sick or worried
Lord, be with me in this trying time. You healed the sick. It is you who will heal me.
Lord, you know what pain is like.
You had their scourge on your back,
the crown of thorns on your head,
the nails in your hands.
Be with me in my pain and forgive my impatience.
Lord, you know what I need,
so I place my life and its needs in your care.
Without you, I am not. Without you, I cannot be.
Before Surgery
Lord, calm my fears.
I thank you for the wonders of medicine.
Bless the surgeon and medical team,
so that their skill and wisdom may bring about
the restoration of my health. Lord, do not forget me.
Lord, all my days are in your loving care.
Thank you for setting me on the road to recovery.
Continue your healing that I may return
to the task you have given me to do.
When we think of Job, we think of a once-prosperous landowner, sitting on a dung heap scraping his sores. Meanwhile, three friends are trying to convince this totally innocent man that he must have sinned grievously, and God is now punishing him. At first, his faith prompts him to cry out, The Lord gives, the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord! Eventually, though, he has to work through a great period of depression and near-despair. While acknowledging his innocence and the seeming injustice of his present condition, he bows his spirit in total and complete trust in the goodness of God, and abandons his soul in total trust.
His powerful story has comforted thousands and thousands of people who have lost everything, but have held tenaciously to their faith in a loving God. In our own lives, when we feel that God has acted cruelly or unjustly, then we need to look at the crucifix. Was it fair for Jesus whose only crime was loving us, to be killed on a cross after severe humiliation and torture? Was it fair for Mary to suffer the terrible pain that only mothers can know or appreciate?
Like Job, may we never feel that God has abandoned us when he allows us to suffer. Rather, may we have faith enough in the wisdom of Providence that has allowed us to share in the mysterious plan of Jesus saving Passion that goes on through the centuries. It all ends in Resurrection.
Lord, I appreciate the gift of good health.
Keep me focused on what is essential in life.
Continue your healing within me,
healing in mind and body,
so that I use my gifts in service to others.
Lord, I place myself in your loving care.
Send me consolation in my sorrow,
courage in my fear and healing in my illness.
May I accept whatever lies ahead.
We remember in our prayers Bernadette Barnes, Congress Rd., and Kathleen O'Connor who died during the week and extend our sympathy to their families. May those who mourn them be comforted.
Lourdes Pilgrimage Fund
Special Collection at all Masses next weekend 11th/12th Feb. The Collection goes towards helping invalids and carers to go to Lourdes with the Diocesan Pilgrimage 11th 16th June.
Full details from Joe Walsh Tours, 117 Patrick St. 4277959.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
There have been a good number of enquiries regarding the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. It will depend on the numbers,if we have numbers (48) we will organise the Pilgrimage from our Parish 20th 29th September 2006. Direct from Cork to Tel Aviv. The price being quoted is 1,250, 4-star staying in Jerusalem and Tiberias (not Bethlehem as stated last week) fully inclusive of taxes.
Visit Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Cana & many other holy places. If you are interested, will you contact Fr. Kerry or Siobhán in the Parish Office as soon as you can and we will see how the numbers go.
Christ King Secondary School
The Parents Council is holding a fund raising Table Quiz on Wed. Febr. 8th in Nemo Rangers New Complex, Trabeg.
Catholic Papers
The Irish Catholic, The Voice, The Universe and The Catholic Times are on sale at the back of the Church every week.
If I had my child to raise over again.
If I had my child to raise all over again,
Id finger-paint more and point the finger less.
Id do less correcting and more connecting.
Id take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I would care to know less and know to care more.
Id take more hikes and fly more kites.
Id stop playing serious, and seriously play.
Id run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
Id do more hugging and less tugging.
I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.
Id build self-esteem first, and the house later.
Id teach less about the love of power,
And more about the power of Love.