Youre being followed
Most parents can understand the reality of being followed usually by little people. For adults, stalking is not advisable. But one way or another, we are following something in life, or someone. Its part of what makes us tick, who we are.
But, just who are you? While some get depressed at the years fleeting by and not having accomplished all they want to be, the age old, Who am I? is the deeper question. Its more about who we are than it is what we want to be. Were not as lucky as Simon, son of John. One hard look at Simon and Jesus says, Youre a rock! Albeit a crumbling rock at first, but one thing is certain. Peters identity is very much rooted in his relationship to Jesus. Jesus is one who confronts you with the reality of yourself today you are.
Do you really know yourself? Not the you your friends think you are. Do you know what kind of person you are? Are you stubborn? Cooperative? Weak? Humble? Strong? Conceited? Forgiving? Are you relaxed? Nervous? Vindictive? You need to know the kind of person you are. But along with self-knowledge comes self-acceptance. Believing that youre nothing, pretending that were something is not Jesus plan. He has a plan, a new possibility of yourself tomorrow you shall be. You wont be going it alone in 2006, he will travel with you from you are to you shall be.
Thank You
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul would like to thank all those who contributed so generously to our collections throughout the year. A special thank you to all who provided such a variety of gifts after Santas Letter before Christmas. Such a diversity of gifts were more than welcome and were distributed to those in need throughout the Parish and City. Our Church Gate Collection for the month of December came to 3,358.
We thank you for your continued support.
We remember in our prayers Michael Canty, Derrynane Road, and Paddy Kenneally, Marie Ville, Windmill Road, who died during the week, and we extend our sympathy to their families.
Need extra help to prepare for you Leaving Certificate Oral Exam??
If your son/daughter is doing Leaving Certificate Orals why not help them to brush up on their oral skills by attending evening/Saturday morning courses in French, German, Spanish, Italian and Irish at the Cork College of Commerce, Morrisons Island, Cork.
The College is also enrolling for its new Spring Courses at present.
The College will be holding two enrolment nights on Mon. 16th and Tues. 17th Jan. 57 pm. Telephone 4222100 or e-mail for further information.
Dates for Your Diary 2006
March 1st Ash Wednesday
March 28th Parish Confirmations
April 16th Easter Sunday
May 6th & 20th First Holy Communions
June 4th Pentecost Sunday
Popes Intentions for January 2006
For all Christians: may they grow in unity and love in order to build reconciliation and peace among all the peoples of the earth.
For migrants: may they be recognised as persons created in the image and likeness of God and welcomed with respect and charity.
Yoga Classes
in Parish Centre 6 pm. Beginners 7.30 pm. Some experience.
Suitable for all ages/capabilities.
8-Week Course: Commences Wednesday 25th Jan.
Ring Gráinne on 087 9008654.
Questions people ask
Q. For years we have had a week of prayers for Church Unity. Has there been any advance or improvement?
A. There have been immense advances in respect for other traditions. Instead of black and white issues where we are right and they are wrong, now we are more willing to learn from different ways of understanding the Christian mystery. As Catholics, we learn from the familiarity of Protestants with the word of God in the bible. The Orthodox communities teach us about the Holy Spirit, about contemplation with the use of icons, and they have a liturgy which expresses the timelessness and immensity of God. Theologians from the different traditions have issued agreed statements on important issues of belief and practice.
Fr Silvester OFlynn OFM Cap
A Thought
Better bend than break.
There are many situations where we need to have a little give and take. We would like and prefer to have it done our way but sometimes we have to allow someone else their say and their opinion. A bit of compromise is so much better than nothing at all.
Lord, help me to be more flexible in all I do and say.
Sometimes it is tempting to jump in and go for all, but
there are also times when I need to be more accommodating of situations in life.