November 20th 2005 – Feast of Christ the King

Marriage Care Collection today
The Diocesan Collection for Marriage Care Services will be taken up at all Masses this weekend.
The Cork Marriage Counselling Centre. Paul St., worked with 800 couples in 2004 in the area of marriage preparation and 828 couples or individuals have been seen for counselling.
Your support in this Collection will be much appreciated.

Monday 21st November is the feast of the Presentation of Our Blessed Lady.
We wish the Presentation Sisters and Brothers a Happy Day and again express our thanks and appreciation for all they have done in our Parish down the years.

Our thanks to the Area Collectors who collected the envelopes for the Autumn Dues in the Sacristy last weekend — much appreciated.

Turner’s Cross Parish Senior Citizens Christmas Party
in the new Nemo Rangers Complex Trabeg on Sat 3rd Dec. at 7.30pm  Please hand in names to Parish Office.

Credit Union
The 6 pm Vigil Mass next Saturday 26th Nov. will be offered for all the living and deceased members of our Parish Credit Union.

Walk With Me
Next Sunday we begin our Advent Journey — We are attentive to the “Coming of the Lord”.
A lovely little book: “Walk With Me” is available after Mass this weekend (Cost 50c). An Advent Journey of Prayer for Marriage and Family Life.

Sunday Evening Mass
From the First Sunday of Advent 27th Nov. there will be Mass every Sunday in The Church of the Way of the Cross, Togher, at 6.30 pm.

We remember in our prayers Tim O’Driscoll, late of the Curragh Road and O’Connell Ave. and
Jean Collins, who was so much part of our Parish and a friend to everyone when she and her sisters had their shop on The South Douglas Road. We extend our sympathy and prayers to their families.

Handel's Messiah
The East Cork Choral Society
with The Seafield Singers, Dublin
on Sat. 26th Nov. 2005 at 8 pm
in Christ the King Church, Turners Cross
in aid of the Church Restoration Fund
Soloists: Deirdre Moynihan, Breiffni Horgan, Pauline Frizelle, Jeffery Ledwidge
Conductor: Colin Nicholls
East Cork Orchestra: Leader Phillipa Lees
Tickets €15 from Pro Musica, Oliver Plunkett St.,  Veritas, Parish Office, Choir Members.

Questions People Ask
  Isn’t it odd that we should celebrate Christ as King, since his lifestyle was so simple and he actually escaped from the crowd who wanted to make him king?
A.  It depends on how one understands the role of a king. When questioned by Pilate, Jesus answered: ‘Yes, I am a king, but my kingdom is not of this world.’ Worldly kingship has a love of power, whereas the unworldly kingship of Jesus is about the power of love. Today’s Gospel teaches how serving Christ as King is done through everyday, practical works of kindness and compassion. ‘What you do unto others you do unto me.’
— Fr. Silvester O’Flynn OFM Cap.

Rekindle the Wonder
Saturday 17th December 2005:  10 am — 4 pm:
A one day Retreat to help us relax, unwind and enter the true spirit of Christmas.
Cost: €20.00 (€30.00 incl. dinner), St. Dominic’s Retreat House, Ennismore, Montenotte, Cork.
Phone (021) 4502520.

Nemo Rangers
There will be Mass for all the Living and Deceased Members of Nemo Rangers Hurling & Football Club in the new complex in Trabeg on this Wednesday 23rd Nov. at  8 pm. All are welcome.

A Thought
‘The person who tries to push aside the reality of death is someone who’ll make a poor job of life.’
   —  Brendan Hoban.
There is built into every human person the need, the wish and the desire to believe that death isn’t the end and that there is something more to all the questions that life throws at us. In a beautiful prayer for those who have died it says that ‘for those who have died life is changed, not ended . . .’
As Christian believers we believe that there is indeed something more beyond this world. We may not have the whole picture but enough that brings people out in great numbers especially in the month of November to pray and remember our loved ones who have died.
May they all rest in peace.

South Presentation Convent, Douglas Street
has been selected to participate in a European project to highlight the rich heritage of monasteries across Europe. “South Pres.” as it affectionately known in Cork, is located in Douglas Street and is the founding monastery of the Presentation Sisters associated with Nano Nagle. The “Converting Sacred Spaces” project seeks to raise awareness of the spiritual and cultural contribution of Religious to society. Visitors from across Europe will visit the exhibition and the Sisters are extending a special invitation to Cork people to visit during the multi-media exhibition. The exhibition runs from 17th Nov. 2005 to 8th Jan. 2006 and is open Tuesday to Saturday 11 am — 4 pm at the Old Boys Primary School, Evergreen Street, Cork.

Teacher asked Peter how he would divide 11 potatoes equally among 15 people. Peter promptly replied, ‘I’d mash them’!!