October 30th 2005 – 31st Sunday in Ordinary time

Malachi 440 BC   Malachi 2005 AD
In the light of the Ferns Report and all the revelations of the past week the words of the Prophet Malachi in the 1st reading today are so apt. He was a prophet around 440 BC. His name ‘Malachi’ means ‘God’s messenger’. He observed that religious and spiritual leaders were betraying their call and were obsessed with seeking titles, positions and power. The priests were supposed to be spiritual leaders of the people, yet they were seeking favour with the rich and powerful. They also influenced decisions that suited themselves. The people were giving God only lip service. Malachi felt it wasn’t good enough and spoke out.
Malachi asks a key question: why do we break faith with one another? Why do priests fail? Why do marriages fail and friendships grow cold? Why do we exploit one another and take advantage of people? Why do we, who were born for loving God and one another, decide to kill love? These are key questions and sometimes it is good to put the light on ourselves on occasions and ask these important questions. Malachi puts the answer to these questions on where God is in our lives. If God is at the centre, then these questions are easily answered.

Feast of All Saints Tuesday 1st Nov.
(Holy Day of Obligation)
Mass times:  Vigil Mass Monday at 6 pm.
Tuesday 10 am & 12 noon.
No 8 am Mass on Monday due to the Bank Holiday.

Holy Souls
The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls begins on this Wed. 2nd November and continues until 10th November.  Mass each weekday at 10am & 6pm
Envelopes for those who wish to have their dead remembered in the Novena are available at the back of the Church and can be returned to the box at the Altar Rails.

We remember in our prayers Tom Doyle, Doyle Rd. who has died and  extend our sympathy to his wife Phil  and his family.

Summer Time ends this weekend. Don’t forget to put back your clocks.

Children’s Hospital, Crumlin
The organisers of the Cake Sale held two weeks ago in aid of Crumlin Hospital for Sick Children would like to thank sincerely all who made it such a success.
€1,642 has been sent to Crumlin.

Barrack Street Band
The annual Mass for Deceased Members of the Band will be held on November 6th in Redmond’s GAA Club at 3 pm. All are welcome to attend.

Church Restoration Fund
Anonymous donation: €100. Sponsorship for Seat: €400.

Turners Cross Seniors Social Club, Care Centre, Capwell Road.
Programme for month of November:
Nov. 1st    Michael Twomey with his kind of humour
Nov. 8th    Exercise Classes with Marion
Nov. 15th    Demonstration on Costume Jewellry
Nov. 22nd    Flower Arranging
Nov. 29th    Exercise Classes with Marion
All are welcome.

Mission Sunday
Our thanks to all who contributed so generously to the Mission Sunday Collection last weekend: €2,700. Our thanks also to the Girls from the Primary School who led us in the Ceremonies for Mission Sunday.

Prayers & Blessing of Graves
in St. Joseph’s Cemetery on Sunday next 6th Nov. at 2.30 pm. Bring a container — Water will be blessed at the ceremony and then you can sprinkle it on your graves.
St. Michael’s, St. Finbarr’s  & Douglas Cemeteries: Sunday Nov. 6th at 3 pm.

between the ages of 16 — 35 years
on 4th — 6th November 2005
St. Dominic’s Retreat House, Ennismore, Montenotte, Cork.
Pre-Booking essential: Seán: 086-1651219 Dave: 085-7167904

Dublin City Marathon
This Bank Holiday Monday our caretaker Eddie Mullane runs in the Dublin City Marathon in aid of the Fund to repair and tarmac the Church Grounds. If you would like to sponsor Eddie — cans are in place at the Church exits today to take your contributions.

Cork South Parish Historical Society
Monthly Meeting on Wednesday 2nd November at 8 pm
in The South Parish Community Centre, Sawmill Street, Cork
Guest Speaker: D. Ó Drisceoil will speak on
A History of the English Market
All are welcome.  Non-members €2

Questions people ask
Q.  Why is Hallowe’en associated with witches and pranksters?
A.  Before artificially produced light more or less banished darkness, November began the dark season when it was thought that evil spirits were most powerful. Witchcraft attempts to make contact with the spirit world. The Church counteracts the darkness of November with the celebration of All Saints, the people who manifested the light of Christ to the world. Hallowe’en means the Eve of All Saints’ Day. I think it is a pity to see witches’ caps and brooms becoming so popular while the beauty of the saints’ lives is neglected.    Fr. Sylvester O’Flynn OFMCap

A Thoughtt
' Love is a medicine for the sickness of the world; a prescription often given, too rarely taken.'  ~ Anonymous
It is well known that if we carry problems or worries with us over a long period of time, they can express themselves as an illness or sickness.  Equally if they are buried or ignored, they simply won't go away.  They may go away on the short term, but down the road they will come back at us in another way, usually as a sickness or illness.
Lord, you had much to say about sickness.
You spoke much about love and about dealing with our worries and problems. Give me the strength to deal with my own worries and problems.  I can talk to someone today about what's worrying me.
Let us pray for all who have suffered hurt in any way in life, that they may find healing and peace of mind.