October 23rd 2005 – Mission Sunday

We use the word mission far more than we realise. We often talk about a woman or man ‘with a mission’, indicating someone who has a strong commitment to some worthwhile project. We can certainly say it of our Cork Hurlers this year as a team ‘with a mission’ and equally of the Cork Ladies Comogie and Football teams on bringing three All Ireland cups to Cork. Today groups and organisations have a mission statement which is their core belief around which everything else revolves.
We understand mission as sharing the Good News of Jesus with other people. It is the spark that has encouraged so many to leave home and everything familiar to share this message with other people. Today, our faith seems to be less on fire; the initial sparks seem to be scarce and are struggling to ignite. Even modern missionaries live in different times. Justice and care for the environment are common links across the world today. Respect and a positive attitude to other religions are also important today. Before, the approach was ‘us or nothing’. Today, journeying with someone where they are at is a crucial first stepping stone.
Mission cannot be left to a group of ‘specialists’ but must involve the responsibility of all of us too. Mission often begins at home. As we celebrate Mission Sunday we pray for so many doing their best as missionaries across the world. We keep them very much in our prayers today. Our Gospel may be short but it reminds us that we are all witnesses to so much good happening in our local community, parish and world.
May we never take this for granted.

Mission Sunday Collection will be taken up at all Masses after Holy Communion this weekend.
The people of our Diocese Cork & Ross contributed €121,114.00 last year. This was a 6.7% increase on our contribution in 2003. This money was used to fund a range of projects in Mission Dioceses and among Missionaries in 14 countries in Africa and Asia.

On this Mission Sunday the Children will lead us in reflection and prayer for the Missions. At the end of the ceremony we pray together —
Lord Jesus, you love all children. We want to show our love for you by doing all we can to help all the children to come to know and to love you.
We promise to share our prayers, love and good things with others here and around the world.
Lord, look kindly on Missionaries. Fill their hearts with perseverance and courage so that they may patiently continue the work of the Apostles in our world today.  Amen.

Holy Souls
The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls begins on Wed. 2nd November and continues until 10th November.
Envelopes for those who wish to have their dead remembered in the Novena are available at the back of the Church and can be returned to the box at the Altar Rails.

County Final
The very best of luck to Nemo Rangers who play Muskerry in the County Senior Football Final on this Sunday 23rd Oct. in Páirc Uí Chaoimh at 4 pm. We hope our 14th County Final win will come our way on Sunday.
Tramore Athletic FC would like to wish Ephie Fitzgerald and his Nemo Rangers squad the very best of luck in the Country Final on Sunday.

We remember in our prayers Con (Nelie) Murphy, Derrynane Rd. and Jim McConville who have died, and we extend our sympathy to their families.

Altar Servers
New Servers (boys & Girls) will be starting shortly. Anyone from 3rd Class upwards is welcome. You can get your application form in the Sacristy after Mass or through the Primary Schools.

Coláiste Chríost Rí
Information Evening
for the Parents of pupils intending to enrol for the School Year 2006/2007: Wed. Oct. 26th at 7pm. Application Forms & Prospectus available on the night. See also www.ccrcork.com. (Tel. 021 – 4274904 or e-mail: info@ccrcork.com)

Turners Cross Gramophone Circle
Recital this Tuesday 25th Oct. in the Parish Centre 7.45pm.
Presenter Matt O’Farrell. All welcome.

Dates for your Diary
Oct. 24th    Enrolment and Commitment Ceremony of those preparing for Confirmation in Girls NS  7 pm.
Nov, 2nd    Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls 10 am & 6 pm each day.
Nov. 6th    Prayers and Blessing of Graves in St. Joseph’s Cemetery at 2.30pm. Bring container: water will be blessed at the ceremony and then you can sprinkle it on your family grave.
Nov. 12/13    Remembrance Weekend.
Nov. 16th    Presentation and Enrolment of those who will receive First Penance & First Holy Communion this coming year in the Boys NS.
Nov. 17th    Presentation and Enrolment of those who will receive First Penance & First Holy Communion this coming year in the Girls NS.
Nov. 20th    Feast of Christ the King
Nov. 26th    ‘Capital of Culture 2005 Messiah’ in Christ the King Church, performed by the East Cork Choral Society & The Seafield Singers from Dublin and the East Cork Orchestra.
Dec. 17/18    Parish Penitential Rites.
Dec. 19th    Girls Primary School Nativity Play in the Church.

March 28th    Parish Confirmations.
May 6th    First Holy Communion Boys.
May 20th    First Holy Communion Girls.

A Thought
“Life must be lived forwards but can only be understood backwards.”   Kierkegaard.
It is good sometimes to look back even briefly. The season of Autumn is a chance to look back and take a look at my own life.
What are the things that give me energy and are life giving?
What are the things that are negative and burdensome for me?
The season of Autumn invites me to leave behind the latter and to give more attention to those things that give me energy and life.
Lord, you are many things to many people.
You are also special to me too.
You bring with you an energy and life
that is hard to find anywhere else.
Help me to tap more into all that you can give.