October 16th 2005 – 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

God & Caesar
The question as to whether or not it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar was a serious one and it really put Jesus on the spot. If he said it was lawful, he would be regarded as a traitor to the Jewish cause and the Jewish religion. If he said it was unlawful, he would be accused of starting a rebellion against Rome.
The sweet talk of the Pharisees and the Herodians is so false before they chirp in with their pointed question.  Jesus doesn't fall into their trap. He asks for a denarius, the Roman coin used to pay taxes.
He tells them that in using this coin they are faithful to the Roman empire and are accepting the rule of Caesar. Jesus avoids their trap by telling them to give to Caesar what he should get, but, importantly, to give to God what God deserves. It is all about finding the balance point between what the state requires and what God wants of us. The Pharisees could not argue with these wise words from Jesus.
The mindset of these Pharisees is still evident today. People want everything laid out clearly, with black and white instructions for a colour-filled problematic world. Faith and life are not that simple. Life is so complicated at the best of times. Finding the balance point between our own lives and what God offers is always a challenge. But it is this balance point that Jesus highlights in our Gospel reading.

Next Sunday is Mission Sunday
'Two thousand years since the start of Mission, there are still vast geographical, cultural, human and social areas which have not yet been penetrated by Christ and his Gospel' (Pope Benedict).
Support the proclamation of the Gospel message by prayer, offering of suffering and a generous financial contribution  at the Mission Collection at your Mass next weekend.

> Pre-Marriage Courses
> Natural Family Planning
> Achieving a Pregnancy
> Menopause Counselling
N.A.O.M.I. 119 Patrick St. (Entrance on Drawbridge St.)
Phone 4272213  Mon.- Frid. Office Hrs.

Parish Visitation
Fr. Kerry will visit Curragh Road.

Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children, Crumlin
There will be a Cake Sale in aid of the Hospital after all the Masses this weekend in the Parish Centre. Your support will be greatly appreciated. 'No brightness shines like the light of hope in the wide clear eyes of a child.'

Dublin City Marathon
will take place on Monday 31st Oct. Our caretaker Eddie Mullane will be running in the Marathon to raise funds for the tarmac and repairs to be done to the Church Grounds.
Sponsoring cards are available in the Sacristy after Mass today, also in the Parish Office during the week and from Eddie himself in the Parish Centre.

Holy Souls
The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls begins on Wed. 2nd November and continues until 10th November.
Envelopes for those who wish to have their dead remembered in the Novena are available at the back of the Church.

We remember in our prayers Con Murphy, Derrynane Rd. who has died and Daniel Kelleher, late of Capwell Rd. who died in New York, and we extend our sympathy to their  families.

Best of Luck
to Nemo Rangers Senior Footballers who play in the County Semi Final this Sat. in Pairc Ui Rinn at 8 pm.

At Mount St. Joseph's Blarney St., Cork
Every Wednesday evening  8 – 9.30 pm
First Seminar:  Wed. 26th October
Final Seminar:  Wed. 30th November
Sponsored by the Wednesday Night Men's Prayer Group
All Men are especially welcome
Enquiries to Bro. Clement at (021) 4392160
or Michael at (021) 4893204

Dates for your Diary
Oct. 26th    Enrolment & Commitment Ceremony of those preparing for Confirmation in Girls NS  7.30 pm.
Nov. 2nd    Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls begins.
Nov. 6th    Prayers and Blessing of Graves in St; Joseph's Cemetery at 3 pm. Bring container for water blessed at the ceremony.
Nov 12/13    Remembrance Weekend.
Nov. 20th    Feast of Christ the King.
Dec. 17/18    Parish Penitential Rites.
Dec. 19th    Girls Primary Sch. Nativity Play in Church.

A Thought
'It seemed like a good idea at the time' Vicki Robin
We don't always get it right. No one ever does. We tend to look back a bit, particularly the areas of our lives where we didn't get it right. So often we say, 'It seemed like a good idea at the time'. It probably was, and full credit to you for trying it.
Lord, I could easily lose confidence if I dwell too much in the past. Help me to keep trying even if I don't always get it right. Today we also include in our prayers the thousands of people who have died in the earthquake in Pakistan and the surrounding countries.
