No Calculators needed
A group of doctors was asked which emotions cause the most physical illness. Their answer was anger and unforgiveness, because over time they release deadly toxins into your body. In a strange way their medical know-how echoed exactly the wisdom of our First reading. Resentment and anger these are foul things.
And yet, real forgiveness is not cheap. Total forgiveness is painful. It hurts when we kiss revenge goodbye. It hurts to think the person is getting away with what they did and that nobody else will ever find out.
Logic says: Put up your fists.
Jesus says: Fill up the basin.
Logic says: Bloody his nose.
Jesus says: Wash his feet.
Logic says: She doesnt deserve it.
Jesus says: Youre right, but you dont, either.
Peter learned that when it comes to forgiveness you leave your calculator at home and love without measure. It is not some saccharine-sweet, limp thing. If it is patronising or glib, easygoing and care-less, then it is not the true article. True mercy hurts. So, we may well whimper. How shall I forgive others? We might just hear Jesus whispering back; you know, if you never condemned, you would never need to forgive..
Fr. Tom Cox
We remember in our prayers Micheal Buckley, late of Friars Rd. who died during the week and extend our sympathy to his family.
St Josephs Young Priests Society
The monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th Sept. (please note change of date) in the Parish centre at 8pm
Coffee Morning in aid of Marymount Hospice
(All money collected will remain in Cork)
Parish Centre, Turners Cross,
Thurs. Sept. 15th after 10 am Mass.
The Lady Mayor of Cork Deirdre Clune, hosts a coffee morning in the Millennium Hall, City Hall, Thurs. Sept. 15th 10 am 1 pm.
All in aid of
Marymount Hospice, Wellington Rd.
Ministers of Eucharist
can collect their rotas for the coming weeks in the Sacristy after Mass today.
Final Lotto Draw
took place in Nemo last Monday (results below). It was fitting that Fr. John who started the Lotto five and a half years ago should draw the winning tickets. Our thanks to all who made the Lotto so successful it was truly a magnificent achievement. Our debt on the Church has not yet been fully cleared so we will continue with the Second Collection each weekend. A new surface will have to be put on the Church Grounds.
Farewell to Fr. John ODonovan
There was a packed house at Nemo last Monday night for the Farewell Presentation to Fr. John. Nellie OLeary
of Capwell Ave. on behalf of the Parish Community paid a lovely and fitting tribute to Fr. John for his seven years of service in the Parish. Neilus Murphy, Derrynane Rd. made the presentation to Fr. John.
Our thanks to all who contributed so generously to the presentation, to those who organised the event. To Nemo for allowing us to use the venue, the Nemo Ladies Committee for the catering and our musicians Paul Gibbons and Dan Long. A great night was had by all.
Todays Gospel:
Peter is often presented as a bubbly character, who always had a question and was never afraid to ask. In this Gospel story he wants to know how often he should forgive. He suggests seven times and thought he was being generous, expecting warm praise for his suggestion. Jesus answers that we should forgive seventy seven times. This number is symbolic, meaning infinite. No matter what number we put on it, it won't be enough, because forgiveness is a matter of love, not of how many times.
The details of this parable need to be interpreted in a proper way. The conduct of the king, is not a model for the mercy of God.
What is important is the amount owed to and by the King's official, millions v nothing.
The key point of the parable is from the King to the official,
Shouldn't you have had pity, as I had pity on you?'
This parable reminds us how we all need the forgiveness of each other but especially God's forgiveness.
A thought – All Ireland Hurling Final Sunday
' Sport strips away personality, letting the white bone of character shine through. Sport gives players an opportunity to know and test themselves.
~Rita Mae Brown
Sport is certainly a gift from God. It unites communities, it encourages participation especially among young people and it fosters relationships and friendships. Like any team no one player does it on their own. They work together for the greater good. Similarly with each of us, if we work together and for each other then many things are possible.
Lord, thank you for the gift of sport. It has so many advantages especially a unique ability to unite and build communities when fostered in the right way. May sport continue to be a positive influence in our world each and every day.
All Ireland
The best of luck to the Cork Team as they play Galway in the All Ireland Hurling final this Sunday.
Final Lotto Draw 5th Sept. 2005
No winner of Jackpot after three draws
Jackpot of 3,600 was divided
Four tickets drawn from all participants each received 900
1. T. Murphy. 2. C. O'Flynn, 3. M. Sheehan, 4. B. & A. Farry
35 Cash
M. O'Mahony, B. Manning, G. Hanley, A. Kelly
Promoters Prize 35: M. Cotter
Last weeks net take 2,818
Last weeks second Collection 1,168