May 8th 2005 – The Ascension of the Lord

God is With Us
Our second reading today hints at the Ascension but more importantly it’s a prayer for each of us. The prayer wishes lots of good things for us, hoping that we will have the energy and wisdom to know that God is journeying with us in a special way throughout our lives. Sometimes we are worried about the complexities of life and yet no one person can solve them all. Whoever tries to solve everything is like a person trying to fill a jug with the sea. But sharing our worries with God is well worth the effort.
God is constantly in touch with whatever is going on in our lives. The Ascension is all about reminding us that God is closer to us can we can possibly imagine. This is what this second reading is attempting to do — encouraging us to place our trust and confidence in God who is close to us and helping us through each day.

The Trócaire Family Box Lenten Appeal from our Parish came to €9,256 – a record amount – of which the pupils of Christ the King Girls N.S. contributed €2,270. Many thanks to all for your generosity. The focus of the Appeal this past Lent was Ethiopia.

Catholic Papers
on sale at the back of the Church.

Cork Corpus Christi Procession
The annual Corpus Christi Procession in Cork takes place this year on the afternoon of Sunday 29th May.
Bishop John Buckley will lead the main section of the Procession carrying the Blessed Sacrament from the Cathedral to the altar at Daunt Square. Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor of Westminster will preach the homily.
The Procession is expected to have special significance this year as Cork is designated European Capital of Culture. Cardinal Cormac will be staying with us in Turners Cross and will say the 10.30 am Mass here on Corpus Christi Sunday 29th May.
Try to keep this Sunday free to make the Procession a family event.

We remember in our prayers Br. Michael Quinn of the Rosminian Order and late of Capwell Avenue, who died in Dublin. We extend our sympathy to his family.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
Monthly meeting Tues.10th May 8pm in the Parish Centre.

Prayer, Praise, Worship, Song
On Wednesday 11th May at 8 pm in Mount St. Joseph’s Chapel, Blarney Street.
Leader: Godfrey Daniels.  All are welcome.

Old Chinese Proverb
If you are planning for a year, sow rice.
If you are planning for a decade, plant trees.
If you are planning for a lifetime, educate a person.

On Saturday next 14th May the Girls from Christ the King Girls N.S. will receive their First Holy Communion at 10.30 am. There will be no Mass at 10 am. We wish the girls, their families and teachers a lovely day.
We ask parents to ensure that the emphasis is on the Holy Communion, not on the material trappings that may accompany it. We know you will lead by example.

A little boy was sitting watching his dad working on the car.
The boy noticed that his father had a few grey hairs and he asked, “Dad, why are some of your hairs white?” His father answered, “Well, son, every time you do something wrong and make me unhappy, one of my hairs turns white.” The boy thought for a while and then said, “Well then, how come all of Granddad’s hairs are white?”
Isn’t the quick and innocent humour of a child great. But it also shows how the words we use can be interpreted in different ways. Our speech is a gift from God, but sometimes we can use our speech to hurt and belittle someone else.
Lord, thank you for the gift of my speech and being able to communicate.
Help me on this World Communications Day to use words that will encourage and praise someone else. Help me to avoid negative, harsh or cold words throughout this day.

Numbers drawn:  10,  18,  24,  25.
€35 CASH
M. O’Donoghue, A. O’Sullivan, J. Dorgan, V. Savage
Last week’s net “take”      €2,318
Last week’s second Collection      €1,280
Anonymous Donations:    €50,  €20

Many thanks for supporting the Parish Lotto in aid of the Church Restoration Fund.