March 27th 2005 – Easter Sunday

It is always difficult to relate to something that lies beyond our personal experience. We know only too well what it is like to experience suffering and pain. Resurrection, however, is something we hope to experience in the future. Yet it is something which lies at the heart of our Christian faith, the very basis of Christian faith and hope: that which redeems all human life and experience. Does the Resurrection inspire me to a new beginning? To get rid of old yeast, old ways, old fears. To face the future with confidence and faith and  to share that hope with a world so in need of God’s redemptive love!

Successful  Information Day held on Priesthood
Nine people attended an information event about being a priest in Cork & Ross today. This is the highest attendance in recent years and organisers were very satisfied with the attendance and the level of interest shown. The Information Day is organised by the Bishop and the Diocesan Vocations Committee as a way of providing information in an informal way to those interested in priesthood as a way of life. Fr. Aidan O’Driscoll, Director of Vocations for the Diocese, said that the day went very well. “We are delighted with the attendance and the day was very worthwile”, he said. The organising committee are grateful to the clergy of the Diocese for promoting the event and also acknowledge the contribution of the local media in helping to let people know the event was on.

Trócaire Boxes
Please return your Family Trócaire Box as soon as you can.

Easter Raffle
2 Monster Easter Eggs were won by the Harrington Family, Glounthane, and Sr. Mary Dineen, Presentaton Convent.
Many thanks for supporting the Raffle in aid of the Restoration Fund.

First Friday
There will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament next Friday 1st April from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Fr.John & Fr. Kerry will visit the sick and the housebound at the usual times this week.

Morning Mass
This Easter Week Mass will be at 10 am. The 8 am Mass will resume on Mon. 4th April. Congratulations to the big numbers who made the effort to get to the 7.30 and 10 am Masses during Lent.

We remember in our prayers John Roche, Mercier Park, Catherine McCarthy, O’Connell Ave., and Daniel Meade, who died recently, and we extend our sympathy to their Families.

Turners Cross Gramophone Circle
Recital: Wed. 30th March at 7.45 pm (Please note change of day) in the Parish Centre. Presenter: Tom Maher.

Easter Triduum of Massses
The Triduum Masses will begin on Easter Sunday 10.30am, and continues Monday and Tuesday at 10 am.

Important Dates
19 April    Parish Confirmations
7 May    First Holy Communion Boys
14 May    First Holy Communion Girls
29 May    CorpusChristi Procession

Fr. Kerry and Fr. John
join in wishing all our Parishioners
a Happy and Peaceful Easter

LOTTO DRAW March 21st
Numbers drawn:  16,  19,  21,  25.
€35 CASH
I. Dwyer,  S. Donnellan,  E. Sugrue,  S. O’Shea
Last week’s net “take”      €2,450
Last week’s second Collection      €1,350
N.B. Because of the Bank Holiday on Monday the next Lotto Draw will be on Tuesday 29th March at 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre.
Many thanks for supporting the Parish Lotto in aid of the Church Restoration Fund.
Old Money still welcome. Box at back of Church.

Easter Prayer
Praise to you Lord for the empty tomb
Praise to you Lord for your return from the dead
Praise to you Lord for men and women redeemed
Praise to you Lord for a new world.
Risen Lord, friend and brother,
may we know you more clearly,
love you more dearly
and follow you more nearly
day by day.