February 27th 2005 – 3rd Sunday of Lent

The Woman at the Well
I will give you living water.' ~John 4:10
The story of the woman at the well is a beautiful story that is full of meaning and depth. Jesus is compared to a spring of water constantly bubbling, refreshing and revitalising. The Samaritan woman is drawn towards Jesus. She comes to see God's plan for her. She realises that it is Jesus who fulfills her deepest spiritual longings. She represents the confused person, young or old looking for meaning in life and wondering where to find it. She is the lonely person, youn, middle aged, old who is looking for love and who has looked for it in the wrong places. She reminds us how God's love reaches deeply into us and is a wellspring for ever. The promise of Jesus to us is, "I will give you living water."  t 

We remember in our prayers
Finbarr (Barry) McCarthy, Fr. Matthew Rd., May Walsh, Friars Rd., and Mary Corkery, Sliabh Mish Pk.,  who died recently and we extend our sympathy to their families. May all who mourn be comforted.

Parish Visitation
Fr. Kerry will visit Evergreen Road.
Fr. John will visit Willow Court and Willow Dale.

Priesthood information Day
On Saturday March 19th at Ennismore Retreat Centre, Montenotte, Cork, from 11 am to 5 pm. An opportunity for anyone who is considering being a priest to meet priests and students to discuss their questions.
"Pray the Lord of the harvest that he will send labourers to his harvest."
Please include the success of the day in your prayers.
Contact Fr. Aidan O'Driscoll at St. Finbarr's College, Farranferris,
Cork. Call him on 021-4303015 or email him at priesthood@corkandross.org

Ministers of the Word
Rotas for the coming weeks are available in the Sacristy.

Spring Dues
We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the envelopes for the Spring Dues in the Sacristy after Mass today. Thank you.

Mothers Day, Sunday 6th March.
The 12 noon Mass on the day will be offered for all Mothers. Special Cards available in the Parish Office.

Summer Play Scheme
A.G.M. South Parish/Turners Cross Summer Scheme Monday 28th February 8.15 pm.
Community Centre, Sawmill St. (rear of Fiat Garage).

Christmas Day Sponsored Swim
Our thanks to all who participated in the Christmas Swim and those who sponsored the swimmers. €3,560 was raised for the Church Restoration Fund.

Alzheimers Society
Home care workers required for part-time in Cork county. Previous experience with dementia/older adults desirable. Duties will include home support and recreational activities in our clients home. Contact Marie @ 021 4391690.

Singing Days 5th/6th March
The Association of Irish Choirs and Cork 2005, European Capital of Culture, present a celebration of architecture and related choral music in four of the prominent churches in Cork City. Christ the King Church, Turners Cross, is one of the churches selected. The massed choirs sing under Dr. Geoffrey Spratt and the former organist here in Christ the King, Angel Climent, who will return from Spain for the occasion. All the choirs will gather in our Church on Saturday 5th March to practise from 10.30 am to 5 pm and will sing at the 12 noon Mass on Sunday 6th March. The music sung will be the Salve Regina, Creator Spirit, Ave Maria and the settings of the “Alleluia”, “Christ has Died …” and the “Amen”, all composed by Angel Climent. Choirs participating will be Carrigaline Singers, Milltown Singers (Wicklow), Fleischmann Choir, Bray Choral Society, Pfizer Choir, Cóir Chois Farraige and individuals from Cork and Tipperary.

in Turners Cross 8th March 2005  8 pm
Featuring ‘The Women’s Chorale’ from the Ithaca College, New York, ‘Voices of Cork 2005’, (established and supported by FAS through Community Employment), ‘The Eudoxa Quartet’ and special guest appearance Cara O’Sullivan.
Money raised from this Concert will go towards one specific project: “Build a Boat” Irish Sri Lenka Trust Fund. The boats are divided into two categories: 1. A fibre-glass Catamaran at a cost of €3,000.
2. A wooden boat at a cost of €2,000. Each boat will provide a living for one fisherman and his family.
Tickets on sale €10 from the Parish Office after Mass today and during the week and from Veritas and Pro Musica.

Christ the King Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Sat. 11th June —
Thurs. 16th June 2005.

Accomodation: Hotel Solitude
(short walk from Grotto)

Our Parish will be a group within the Cork & Ross Diocesan Pilgrimage. The group will be joined by Fr.Kerry as Spiritual Director.

Cost: €619 per person. Booking forms can be obtained at the Parish Office or from the Turners Cross Credit Union.

Two payments, the first to secure your place (€100) to be paid at the Credit Union by 1st March, the remainder by 29th April. Reserve your place by March 1st.

Lenten Masses
7.30 am & 10 am.

Parish Website:  www.turnerscross.com
The Parish website is updaded every day. New sections have been added to the website  –  Daily and Sunday Mass readings, Reflection & Thought for the Day. Church News from around the world. The Website is linked with websites  of Church interest.  Well worth a log in.

LOTTO DRAW 21st February
Numbers drawn:  5,  7,  14,  24.
Winner €3,925 Jackpot K. Walsh
€35 CASH
M. Cotter,   R. Barry,   K. O’Halloran,   Carey
Last week’s net “take”       €2,592
Last week’s second Collection       €1,355
Anonymous Donations:    €75,  €250
Many thanks for supporting the Parish Lotto.
Old Money welcome. Box at back of the Church.
Lotto results on the Parish Website every Monday night.  www.turnerscross.com