Remembrance Sunday
We remember all those from our families and our Parish who have died, especially those who have died since 1st November 2003:
Declan O'Callaghan Catherine Curtin Nora Linehan
Eileen Kearns Noreen McCormack Seán Lynch
Kitty Morgan Bessie Cronin Kathleen O'Mahony
Mona Nyhan James McDermot Dolly Harrington
Tim Harrington Marion Sheehan Pat O'Mahony
Percy Cole Denise Wong Ann McCarthy
Finbarr Connolly Eileen Collins Edward Long
Arthur Morris Bridget Murphy Ellen Kelleher
Maureen Meade Jo Hammond Christy O'Sullivan
Dan O'Sullivan Dermot O'Leary Lizzie Scanlan
Betty Kavanagh Phil O'Callaghan Gene O'Neill
Eoghan O'Sullivan Mary Cooke Bridie Hurley
Maureen McGreevy Christie Murphy Michael O'Shea
Con Teehan Harry Redmond Liam Burke
Kitty Desmond Peter McKevitt Jerry Collins
Donie Forde Michael Harrington Mary O'Neill
Miah Murphy Denis Murray Kevin Lenihan
Mary Heffernan Billy Murray
Remembrance Weekend
Our Masses this weekend, especially the 10.30 am Mass on Sunday, are times for reflection and prayer when we remember the previous times spent with our loved ones. It is an opportunity to recall the good days and the difficult days when we shared our hopes, dreams and our actions together. This weekend is also an opportunity to give thanks for the wonderful gift of family and friendship.
Thank you for taking the time to come to share our Masses this weekend.
Parish Christmas Card
Parish Christmas Card and Christmas Triduum Mass Cards are available in the Parish Office during the week.
We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the envelopes for the Autumn Dues, The Parish Calendar and Restoration Fund Financial Report in the Sacristy after Mass today.
Everyone loves to be remembered
But if we want to be remembered
We have a duty also to remember
Memory is a powerful thing
Wrongly used it can bring death rather than life
It keeps the past alive
Those we remember never die
They continue to walk and talk with us
There is nothing stronger or more helpful
than a good remembrance.
Dear departed friends, we want you to know
that we havent forgotten you
We remember you
and your memory most definitely
brings life to us today.
May it also assure us of life for you,
that eternal life Christ came on earth to give us.
The Annual Mass for living and deceased members of St. Finbarrs National Hurling & Football Club will be celebrated at the Club on Monday 22nd Nov. at 8 pm. All are welcome
Marriage Care Collection
The annual collection in the Diocese of Cork and Ross for marriage care
services will be taken up at all Masses in the Diocese on this weekend November 13th/14th, 2004.
This is one of the annual diocesan collections which fund services provided
to people of the diocese by central diocesan agencies or by agencies which
are grant aided by the diocese.
The major part of the proceeds of this collection goes to Cork Marriage
Counselling Centre, Paul St, Cork. The proceeds of the collections from the
Bantry area go to the Accord Centre in Bantry.
Both centres provide pre-marriage and marriage care services to individuals
and couples across the diocese.
Tramore Athletic FC
The U15s play a charity game on Wedn. Nov. 17th in Garryduff at 3.30 pm v Cork City LSS to raise funds for Cork Simon. Contact Der at Ziccos Pizzas.
Christ King Secondary School
Annual Mass for deceased students and staff will be celebrated in Christ the King Church on Monday 15th Nov. at 7.30 pm. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Parish Centre. All are welcome.
The Parents & Friends of Scoil Chríost Rí are holding a fun Table Quiz on Thurs. 18th Nov. at 8pm in Nemo Rangers GAA Club. This is to raise funds for the refurbishment of the computer room. Your support will be greatly appreciated. A good night is guaranteed.
Annual Bazaar
This Sunday 14th Nov. at OConnell Court, Windmill Rd. from 2.30 to 6pm. Wheel of Fortune Card Stall Bric-a-Brac Book Stall Plant Stall Toys Christmas Stall.
Prizes Galore! Something for Everyone!
Well Done Nemo
Congratulations on winning the Intermediate
County Football Final last Sunday
Numbers drawn: 2, 10, 21, 23.
Lynch, C. Morrissey, W. Lynch, M. Prendergast
Last weeks net take 2,725
Last weeks second Collection 1,480
Anonymous Donations: 100, 55, 50
Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund.
Box at the back of the Church.