October 17th 2004 – 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Persistent Prayer
An unjust judge is compelled to yield to the persistent pleading of a widow. A Just, merciful God is sure to respond  to my persistent prayer.
Osias was a cradle Catholic in apartheid ridden Zimbabwe. Driven out of family land he fled to a drought stricken area. With his wife Theresa he eked out a living, farming and running a local store, a community focal point.
Each evening, weary from the day’s hot sun, he sat under a certain tree, praying the rosary that one day a church would be built near his home, hosting a flourishing Christian community. Ahead lay the horrific atrocities of war (See the first reading!). As the years went by, more people responded to the invitation of both Osias and Theresa. Today with the economy of Zimbabwe inn ruins, his prayer is for justice. In Ireland, too, it is a privilege to be concerned with justice.
Osias’s dream of a church has come true and Mass is celebrated regularly with 70 adult Christians. Most missionaries or church leaders rarely see the fruits of prayer or work. The Gospel invitation is to go on trusting, as Osias does, in a just and merciful God. Today, as ever, there needs to be persistent prayer for our individual needs and those of the Church.

Next Sunday is Mission Sunday.
“Two thousand years since the start of Mission, there are still vast geographical, cultural, human and social areas which have not yet been penetrated by Christ and his Gospel” (Pope John Paul). Support the proclamation of the Gospel message by prayer, offering of suffering  and a generous financial contribution — at the Mission Collection at your Mass next weekend.

Liam Lawton concert at Turner's Cross Church
A priest who has gained an international reputation as a composer of inspirational music and song will perform at the Church of Christ The King, Turner's Cross, Cork, on Friday October 29th at 8pm.
A native of Co Kildare and a priest of the Kildare and Laughlin Diocese, Liam Lawton is responsible for the emergence in recent years of a new style of music for use in church, school and home.
A special night is in store for all. Many remember his sell-out concert last year.
One reviewer has said that "Liam's lyrics are inspired and poetic, yet the spirit-filled melodies are what stir the soul"
Tickets for the Concert are €20 and are on sale in the Parish Office; Veritas, Carey's Lane and at Pro Musica, Oliver Plunkett St.
The Concert is in aid of the Church Restoration Fund.

Liam Lawton

The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls begins on 2nd November and continues until 10th Nov.
Envelopes for those who wish to have their Dead remembered in the Novena are available at the back of the Church.

Day Care Centre, Capwell Road
was officially opened Last Monday by Minister Micheál Martin and blessed by Bishop John Buckley.
The Centre is open Monday – Friday.
For information contact Kathleen at 4323435.

Divine Mercy
Our thanks to all who contributed to the new Shrine.
A Handbook of Devotion to Divine Mercy and Leaflets are available in the Parish Office.

Life is for Living
A Pastoral Letter from the Bishops – A Reflection on Suicide.
Copies available in the Parish Office after Mass.

Parish Visitation
Fr. John will visit Ashdale Park
Fr. Kerry will visit Derrynane Road.

Cork Mended Hearts:  20th Annual Thanksgiving Mass
Wednesday 20th Oct. at 7.30 pm at the Church of Christ our Saviour, University Hospital, Cork.
Celebrant: Fr. Robert Brophy. Homily: Fr. James Good.
Soloist: Stephen O’Connor.

Dates for your Diary
20th Oct.    Enrolment of those preparing for First Penance and First Holy Communion in Girls N.S.  7 pm.
2nd Nov.    Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls
begins 8 am & 10 am each day.
7th Nov.    Prayers and Blessing of Graves in St. Joseph’s Cemetery:  3 pm.
10th Nov.   Enrolment & Commitment Ceremony of those preparing for Confirmation in Girls N.S. 
7 pm.
13/14 Nov.    Remembrance Weekend.
21st Nov.    Feast of Christ the King.
15th Dec.    Christmas Carol Concert.
18/19 Dec.    Parish Penitential Rites.
20th Dec.    Girls Primary Sch. Nativity Play in Church.
19th April 2005: Parish Confirmations.
7th May    First Holy Communion Boys.
14th May    First Holy Communion Girls
11th June   Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Monastic Experience Weekend
The Cistercian Sisters at Glencairn, Co. Waterford, invite single women aged 22–40 to spend the weekend of Frid. 29–Sun 31 October with them, to join in their prayer, worship and work and to explore the possibility of monastic vocation. For details visit www.glencairnabbey.org.
e-mail vocations@glencairnabbey.org. or contact Sr. Eleanor Tel. 058-56168, fax 058-56616.

LOTTO DRAW Oct. 11th
Numbers drawn:  2,  13,  14,  27,
€35 CASH
J. Holland,   C. Kelly,   E. Kenneally,   H. O’Flynn
Last week’s net “take”       €2,784
Last week’s second Collection       €1,320
The Old Money is still welcome for the Restoration Fund. Box at back of the Church.

Christmas Cards
A Parish Christmas Card (with photo of Church) and Christmas Triduum Cards are available in the Parish Office.