The Passion of Christ – Fact and Fiction
What really happened on the Way of the Cross.
On August 30th Fr. Jerome Murphy-OConnor, a Dominican priest born in Cork a renowned authority on the New Testament and St. Paul and a frequent contributor to Radio & Television. He will speak in Christ the King Church on Mon. 30th August at 8pm .
His topic is: The Passion of Christ – Fact and Fiction – What really happened on the Way of the Cross.
The talk should be of particular interest following the recent film "The Passion of The Christ".
All are welcome
You will be aware, from reports in the media and other publicity of the appalling situation in SUDAN. In what is now being described as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. TROCAIRE is currently working as part of an international team in responding to this emergency. There will be a special collection at all the Masses this week-end 21st/22nd August to help the people of Sudan.
Coffee Morning
in aid of Marymouny Hospice
On Thursday 16th Sept. 2004 in the Parish Centre, Turner's Cross after the 10am Mass
Church Restoration Fund
Lotto Draw August 16th. 2004
5 8 13 26
No Winner
35 Cash
N.Cotter, E.Cronin, P.Twomey, D. Foley
Last week's net take 2,596
Last week's second Collection 1,130