August 8th 2004 – 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Church Restoration Fund
Lotto Draw  Aug. 3rd 2004

4    5    10    16

€35 CASH
S.Kelleher, C. Dorgan
R.O’Shaughnessy, M.O’Donoghue

€  2,950
Last week’s net take            € 2,368
Last week’s 2nd Collection  € 1,100
Anon. Donation                        € 50

Lee Road Shrine
The annual devotions at the Shrine will take place on Sunday next 15th Aug. the Feast of the Assumption. Mass will be celebrated at the shrine at 7.30pm.  Fr. Kerry Murphy-O'Connor will preach the Sermon

Toys and Book Collection
A Teacher a Parishioner of our Parish is going to Calcutta shortly training teachers and is collecting the following – Children's Toys and Picture Books, Writing Materials, Copybooks, Notebooks, etc. IN GOOD CONDITION  needed for Primary Schools in Calcutta.  The Hope foundation is sending out a container at the end of August.  Any of the above items can be handed in to the Parish Centre  on Thursday and Friday 12th / 13th August  from 10 am – 8pm

We remember in our prayers Michael O’Shea, Sliabhmish Pk. who died recently and extend our sympathy to his family.

Lecture in Turner's Cross
Fr. Jerome Murphy-O’Connor, a Dominican priest who was born in Cork, is a renowned authority on the New Testament and St. Paul and a frequent contributor to Radio & Television.
He will speak in Christ the King Church, Turner’s Cross,  on Monday 30th August at 8pm.
His topic is: "The Passion of Christ  – Fact and Fiction – What really
happened on the Way of the Cross?"
Fr. Murphy-O’Connor has lived in Jerusalem for the past 40 years.
He is a frequent contributor to Radio & Television.

All are welcome