June 20th 2004 – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fathers Day
Our prayerful good wishes to all Fathers on this their Day.

A Prayer for our Priests
A Reflection given by Irene Dermody, President of Turners Cross Branch of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society, at the conclusion of Fr. John’s Jubilee Mass last Thursday.
You came from among us to be, for us, one who serves.
We thank you for ministering Christ to us
and helping us minister Christ to each other.
We are grateful for the many gifts you bring to our
for drawing us together in worship, for visiting our homes,
for comforting us in sickness, showing us compassion,
uniting us in marriage, baptising our children,
for confirming us in our calling, for supporting us in
bereavement, for helping us grow in faith,
encouraging us to take the initiative, helping the whole
community to realise God’s presence among us.
For our part, we pray that we may always be attentive to your needs and never take you for granted. You, like us, need friendship and love, welcome and a sense of belonging, kind words and acts of thoughtfulness.
We pray also for the priests who have wounded priesthood. May we be willing to forgive, and may they be open to healing. Let us support one another in times of crisis.
God our Father, we ask you to bless our priests and confirm them in their calling. Give them the gifts they need to respond with generosity and a joyful heart.
We offer this prayer for our priests, who are our brothers and our friends.  Amen.

Silver Jubilee
Fr. John O’Donovan. C.C. writes:
A sincere thank you  to all who attended the Mass of Thanksgiving on Thursday 17th and the celebrations in Nemo Rangers G.A.A. Club. All gifts from the people of the Parish were greatly appreciated — and a special word of thanks to my Parish Priest Fr. Kerry and the Committee who took the time and effort to organise this special event.

Diocesan Consultation
A lot of people around the Diocese have taken part in a series of meetings to discuss Church matters in recent months. Every parish has had a parish meeting (there are 68 parishes in the Diocese), and from these meetings each parish sent four delegates to an Area Meeting. There were seven Area Meetings around the Diocese, and each of these chose four people to go on to a final consultation  meeting on June 19th next. These people will carry forward all the ideas, opinions and suggestions when they meet with the Diocesan Strategy Group on this Saturday June 19th.
It is hoped that the fruits of all the consultation will be contained in a final ‘Strategy Document’ which will be presented to the Diocese in the late autumn.
Meanwhile, a letter from the Secretary of the Diocesan Pastoral Strategy Group expresses their thanks to all who attended and participated in the various consultation meetings. They also say that if anybody wishes to communicate further with the Diocesan Pastoral Strategy Group, they can do so by writing to the Group at Cork Diocesan Offices, Redemption Road, Cork, or via e-mail to futureplans@corkandross.org

As we go to press news is breaking that Cllr. Seán Martin, our parishioner, will become Lord Mayor of our City when the new City Council meet on Monday night.
The 10.30 am Mass next Sunday 27th June will be offered for all our Civic Leaders and a special blessing will be given to Seán and Ann Martin as they begin their term of office as Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of our City.

Mass Notice
For the Summer months from this Mon. 21st June there will be no 8 am Mass. It will resume on Mon. 4th Sept.
10 am Mass as usual on weekdays.
Confessions Saturday after 10 am and 6 pm Masses.

Special Collection
The Annual Peters Pence Collection will be taken up next weekend. The Collection goes to papal charities.

Simon Notice
The Simon Community are urgently seeking a volunteer Office Worker for their Cork Centre.
For details, phone Niamh at (021 4377643.

Pilgrimage to Knock
Christ the King Parish Branch
of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
Saturday June 26
Bus from Girls School, Evergreen Road 7 am sharp
Fare (including Refreshments at West County Hotel,
Co. Clare: Morning – Tea, Toast, Scone,
Evening – 3 course meal)    €41
Enquiries/Bookings: Phone Irene 4963326 after 6 pm

LOTTO DRAW June 14th
Numbers drawn:  6,  8,  14,  27.
Congratulations to Terry Corcoran, winner of Jackpot of €1,000
€35 CASH
C. N.,  J. Bracken,  P. Cronin,  T. Cotter
Last week’s net “take”      €2,535
Last week’s second Collection      €1,170
The Old Money is still welcome for the Restoration Fund. Box at back of the Church.