June 6th 2004 – Trinity Sunday

Personal Trinity
We talk about wearing ‘different hats’ or filling ‘different roles’ or even ‘multitasking’ (doing several things at once). Maybe today’s feast in honour of the Trinity is set aside for such hurried, harried souls.
The more wisdom and years accumulate on our shoulders, the more we realise in our various relationships that you really can’t know everything about a person; be they spouse, parent, sibling or friend. There is always that great unknown area. All our personal knowledge of another is just that – personal, from our own personal and limited viewpoint. Still, some approach the Trinity like it’s a crossword puzzle – something you can ultimately solve. However, just like our ordinary loving relationships, it’s mystery not puzzle, a reality you ultimately stand in awe before.
One woman put it very well:
‘I am a daughter, and a wife, and mother —
Three things, yet I am one totality.
To my parents, I would always be their child.
To my husband, a companion and a mate,
To my children, the one who gave them birth and nurtured them till they reached adult state.
I seem to each of them a different person;
They each know a different kind of “me”.
But I am one, within myself a trinity,
and each of them finds unity in me.’

Novena to the Sacred Heart
10th — 18th June
Leaflets with the full Novena Prayers are available at the back of the Church today. We will pray the Novena Prayers each day at Mass until the Feast of the Sacred Heart on June 15th. We encourage families to make the Novena. It will take only about 3 minutes. The Theme of this year’s Novena is PRAYER. We all have our own intentions — the sick, exams, etc . . . .

Our good wishes and prayers to all who began their exams on Wednesday.
The 10.30 Mass this Sunday and the 8 am Mass on Wed. 9th June will be offered for all those doing exams. Special Cards are available in the Sacristy after Mass today.

Celtic Tenors Concert
The net Profit from the recent Concert in aid of the Restoration Fund was €10,015.

Cork Corpus Christi Procession
The annual Corpus Christi Procession in Cork City will take place this Sunday evening. Our parish group gather at the Church at 3 pm.
Most Rev. Dermot Clifford, Archbishop of Cashel & Emly, and Patron of the GAA, will deliver the homily.
Bishop John Buckley will lead the main section of the Procession carrying the Blessed Sacrament from the Cathedral to the altar at Daunt Square.

St. Anthony
As the Feast Day 13th June falls on a Sunday this year, the Mass of St. Anthony and the Blessing of Lilies will take place on Saturday 12th June at 10 am.

Events for 2004
August 20th Golf Classic in Cork Golf Club
September 30th Autumn Concert with Anthony Kearns of the Irish Tenors. The Army Band and The Airport Singers
October 29th Liam Lawton in Concert
December 15th Christmas Carol Concert with Majella Cullough, Brefni Horgan, Cork School of Music Sinfonietta Orchestra, Garda Choir and the Wilcollane Singers.

Events for 2005
February 18th Cara O’Sullivan, Geraint Dodd, Tenor, Barrack St. Band and Christ the King Church Choir.
May 14th Ronan Tynan, Cór Chois Abhann, Cork Symphony Orchestra.
October 8th The Irish Sopranos and the Garda Band.
December 15th Carol Concert with Majella Cullough.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
Monthly meeting Tues. 8 June in Parish Centre at 8 pm.

Tramore Athletic FC
Season’s End: The Club thank all its players, managers, officials, supporters and sponsors for the contribution they have made to the running of the Club this season.

Nymbers drawn: 4, 11, 23, 27.
€35 CASH
M.Long, J & R Good, D. O’Sullivan, A. Peard
Last week’s net “take” €3,045
Last week’s second Collection €1,255
Anonymous Donation €20
Sponsored Seat €400
The Old Money is still welcome for the Restoration Fund. Box at back of the Church.
Because of the Bank Holiday, the Lotto Draw will be on Tuesday 8th June, 7.30 pm.