Good Shepherd Sunday
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Its Vocations Sunday again. Looking for vocations to the priesthood has not got easier, and yet the Church needs good priests. No doubt God, whose Church it is, will continue to call them. With all the scandals, its harder to be a priest in this context, much more challenging, But people still want to hear the message of hope and need to see Gods care take human form in caring priests.
In our diocese of Cork & Ross we are experiencing a shortage of priests. The high ratio of priests to people cannot be maintained.
There was a positive response to the Priesthood Information Day held recently in Ennismore. Eight prospective candidates attended. They found the Day to be most helpful and informative. Their level of maturity and interest in the priesthood was impressive. It confirmed to all that there are people throughout the Diocese who may have a vocation and are open to it.
Pope John Paul says: There is an urgent need, especially nowadays, for a more widespread and deeply-felt conviction that all members of the Church, without exception, have a serious responsibility to look after vocations.
Vocations promotion is everybodys business.
A Prayer for our Priests
You came from among us to be, for us, one who serves.
We thank you for ministering Christ to us
and helping us minister Christ to each other.
We are grateful for the many gifts you bring to our community:
for drawing us together in worship, for visiting our homes,
for comforting us in sickness, showing us compassion,
uniting us in marriage, baptising our children,
for confirming us in our calling, for supporting us in
bereavement, for helping us grow in faith,
encouraging us to take the initiative, helping the whole community to realise Gods presence among us.
For our part, we pray that we may always be attentive to your needs and never take you for granted. You, like us, need friendship and love, welcome and a sense of belonging, kind words and acts of thoughtfulness.
We pray also for the priests who have wounded priesthood. May we be willing to forgive, and may they be open to healing. Let us support one another in times of crisis.
God our Father, we ask you to bless our priests and confirm them in their calling. Give them the gifts they need to respond with generosity and a joyful heart.
We offer this prayer for our priest, who is our brother and our friend. Amen.
The Celtic Tenors
Thursday 13th May 2004 at 8 pm
Christ the King Church, Turners Cross
Tickets 20 available from the Parish Office
after Mass today and during the week.
The internationally successful tenors will be joined by Deirdre, a sister of Celtic Tenor Matthew Gilsenan. She was the vocal soloist in the world tour of Lord of the Dance with Michael Flatley. Her uniquely beautiful voice and powerful presence led her to becoming the shows favourite performer. Deirdre will be performing alongside the Celtic Tenors in Turners Cross on 13th May.
This weekend we welcome to sing at the 10.30 Mass this Sunday .the Choir Amadeus from Calzada in Spain, who are part of the Choral Festival.
Esperamos que tengan ustedes una buena estadia en nuestra cuidad tan noble de Cork. Que disfruten del Festival de Coros.
The 10.30 Mass on Sunday 6th June will be offered for all those doing exams. Special Mass Candles are available in the Parish Office.
This year there has been a great response to the Trócaire Lenten Appeal. To date, 8,350 has been handed in. If you still have your Box at home, please hand it in during the week.
Morning Mass
There will be no 8 am Mass this Monday because of the Bank Holiday.
Friday next is the First Friday of May.
There will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament from 9 am to 12.30 pm.
Summer Bedding Plants/Perennials for Sale
Tuesday 4th May Friday 7th May 9 am to 4.45 pm
Coláiste Stiofáin Naofa, Tramore Rd., Cork.
We remember in our prayers:
Finbarr Connolly, Fr. Matthew Rd. and Eileen Collins, Loreto Park, who died during the week, and we extend our sympathy to their families.
Parish Visitation
Fr. John will visit Greenhills Court.
Fr. Kerry will visit Hollyville & St. Annes Park.
LOTTO DRAW April 26th
Numbers drawn: 1, 23, 24, 26.
D. Dorgan, J. Quinn, C. Loughlan, N. Chandley
Last weeks net take 2,864
Last weeks second Collection 1,180
Anonymous Donation 8,000
Because of the Bank Holiday the Lotto Draw this week will be on Tuesday 4th May at 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre.
The Old Money is still welcome for the Restoration Fund. Box at back of the Church.