Holy Week Programme
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday 5/6/7 April
Masses 7.30 & 10.00 am
Confessions each day after Mass
+ The Sacred Triduum +
Thursday 8th April HOLY THURSDAY
Chrism Mass (only morning Mass) in the Cathedral 10.00 am
Blessing of holy oils by Bishop Buckley.
Confessions 5.30 pm
Concelebrated Evening Mass of the Lords Supper 6.00 pm
Trócaire Family Fast Boxes presented at the Offertory Procession
Quiet Holy Hour 8.00 pm 9.00 pm
Friday 9th April GOOD FRIDAY
Day of Fast and Abstinence
Solemn Celebration of the Passion of Our Lord 3.00 pm
Veneration of the Cross / Holy Communion
Collection for the Holy Places
Stations of the Cross 12 noon & 6.00 pm
Confessions after the Stations
Saturday 10th April HOLY SATURDAY
Please Note No morning Mass today
Confessions 12 noon 1.00 pm
Solemn Easter Vigil and Mass of the Resurrection 6.00 pm
Easter Sunday Masses
9 am, 1030 am & 12 noon
Easter Triduum of Masses
Easter Sunday 12 noon, Mon., Tues. 10 am
Cards available in the Parish Office
Please Note: No 8 am Mass during Easter Week.
We begin the final week of Lent. What better way to prepare for these special days than a good confession.
This weekend after all the Masses we have Penitential Services. A number of priests will be with us to help with
confessions. This examination of conscience may help:
A) What kind of Christian am I
in: my religious practice:
Do I give time to God in prayer?
Do I pray regularly?
Do I join my parish community for Sunday Mass?
B) My home life:
What am I like to live with?
Do I make my home happy?
Do I honour my marriage vows or my duties towards my parents or children, those whom I love?
Am I selfish or moody?
Do I cause serious problems in my home through abusing
alcohol or drugs, being violent or bullying, being lazy or selfish?
C) My relationships with others:
Am I tolerant of others? Do I treat others with respect?
Am I bitter towards anyone? Do I hold a grudge against anyone?
Do I forgive those who hurt me?
Do I look down on any group or individual because of class, race, nationality, politics, sex, religion?
D) My practice of justice:
Am I too fond of material things?
Do I respect the needs, rights and property of others? Am I honest in my work and business relationships? Do I pay my debts and return borrowed goods? Do I cheat, steal or make false claims?
In Confession:
When we approach the priest we say:
I am sorry for all my sins. I ask Gods forgiveness for . . .
You mention the particular sin you want to.
The priest will absolve you, saying:
I absolve you from all your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
The Collection at all Masses next weekend is for the Priests of the Parish.
Tickets for the Hamper are on sale after Mass.
Draw takes place at the Lotto Draw on this Mon. 5th April at 7.30 pm.
We remember in our prayers Pat OMahony, Kilcolman Lawn, who died on Thursday, and we extend our sympathy to his family.
It will cost you nothing
There was a very practical response to the talk given by the accountants last weekend re the returning of tax already paid for the benefit of the Church Restoration Fund.
Forms are available in the Parish Office today after each Mass and are to be returned to one of the priests.
If you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask.
LOTTO DRAW March 29th
Numbers drawn: 5, 9, 12, 27.
T. Moynihan, M. Noonan, J. Kiely, O. Dermody
Last weeks net take 2,903
Last weeks second Collection 1,140
Anonymous Donation 100
(in aid of Restoration Fund)
J. Collins green ticket 361 (AR5XYY4M)