Read blessed instead of happy. The beatitudes are statements of Gods blessing on his children who are poor, deprived, broken and suffering injustice. Often they know their need of God better than those whose wealth, power and position make them think they are self-sufficient and in no need of God. Those whose hands are empty are more responsive to Gods word than those whose wealth leaves no space for God.
We have more material prosperity, but are people more content? Does high living bring stability and true happiness? They came to hear Jesus and be cured of their diseases. What are the roots of todays dis-ease? Has our more materialistic lifestyle any connection with the increased number of broken relationships, depression, suicides, and dependence on alcohol or drugs for social life?
Spring Concert
Comments from The Irish Examiner (Declan Hassett) on the recent Concert in aid of the Church Restoration Fund:
The capacity audience were treated to a varied evening of music, ranging from spiritual hymns to dramatic arias and some magical Mozart. Cara OSullivan demonstrated once more why she is the favourite with Irish and international audiences.
The choirs on the night were a delight.
Most moving moment of the entire night was Christ the King Church Choirs performance of Angel Climents `This is my Will sung in the composers presence with a wonderfully sensitive solo entry by Paula Murphy.
Cara, Choirs and Orchestra concluded a wonderful evening with the stirring Easter Hymn from Cavallaria Rusticana.
Family Fast Boxes will be available next weekend and will also be distributed through the schools.
Walk with Me
A Lenten Journey of Prayer and Family Life an ideal companion during the season of Lent.
daily meditations written in simple and accessible style
a weekly catechesis on marriage and family life
a great way to encourage people to prepare for Easter.
This is an excellent booklet. We have 25 copies and will order more if necessary. 1.50 Walk with Me and Lenten Calendar.
Passion Play
will take place again this year in our Church during Holy Week, under the direction of Pierce Gunn.
If you are interested in taking part, a meeting will take place in the Church on this Wednesday 18th February at 7.30 pm.
N.C.E. Safe Ltd.
Turners Cross Parish Services have a limited amount of hot water Tank Lagging Jackets and Low Energy Light Bulbs to supply to the local community free of charge on the Low Income Housing Programme.
For further details contact the Parish Office 91 MonFri.
1) Old Age Pension living alone.
2) Household dependent on Social Welfare.
3) Invalidity Pension.
4) Disability Books.
5) Widows/Widowers.
We remember in our prayers Noreen McCormac who was buried from this Church during the week.
Parish Visitation
Fr. John will visit Woodgrove and Cherry Drive.
Fr. Kerry will visit Mercier Park and Erin Terrace.
Important Dates
1st March: Mass and Service of Light for the Girls to be
Confirmed shortly, and their Parents.
3rd March: First Confession Boys.
4th March: First Confession Girls.
23rd March: Parish Confirmations.
3rd & 4th April: (Palm Sunday) Penitential Rites
Holy Week Passion Play in Church.
11th April: Easter Sunday
8th May: Boys First Holy Communion.
22nd May: Girls First Holy Communion.
13th June: Corpus Christi Procession.
LOTTO DRAW Febr. 9th
Numbers drawn: 3, 10, 12, 15.
Congratulations to Margaret OCallaghan
on winning the Jackpot 4,575
L. Collins, M. Casserly, P. Conway, Pat
Last weeks net take 2,955
Anonymous Donations: 100, 100, 22 (collected
by the boys & girls of Westview who ha a toy sale).
Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund. Box at the back of the Church.
Hope looks for the good in people
Instead of harping on the worst.
Hope opens doors where despair closes them.
Hope discovers what can be done
instead of grumbling about what cannot.
Hope draws its power from a deep trust in God
and the basic goodness of human nature.
Hope lights a candle instead of
cursing the darkness.
Hope regards problems, whether small or large,
as opportunities.
Hope cherishes no illusions,
not does it yield to cynicism.
Hope sets big goals and is not frustrated
by repeated difficulties or setbacks.
Hope pushes ahead when it would be easy to quit.
Hope puts up with modest gains,
realising that the longest journey starts with one step.
Hope accepts misunderstandings
as the price for serving the greater good of others.
Hope is a good loser because
it has the divine assurance of final victory.