What Faith is About
`Something big enough to live for, great enough to die for. We all want something like that. Our faith in Jesus gives it to us. The gospel way of life is the way to fullness and happiness. How can they know that unless someone teaches them? So many `ways of life are presented today wealth, intimacy, success, spirituality; can we find the way of teaching the fullness of Christian life? Faith tells us who God is and what God is like; brings us a knowledge of Jesus Christ; promises eternal life; proposes a way of life and behaviour which leads to fulness; challenges us to a life of service as men and women for others. That is what our faith is about: an engagement of mind and heart, soul and body.
Lourdes Pilgrimage Invalid Fund
Special Collection at all Masses this weekend
The Collection goes towards helping invalids
and carers to go to Lourdes.
Wednesday 11th February
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
World Day of Prayer for the Sick
The 10 am Mass on Wednesday will be offered for the Sick. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be given during the Mass.
If anyone needs transport to come to this Mass, please phone Fr. Kerry or Fr. John. Numbers as
We remember in our prayers Nora Lernan, Friars Road and Eileen Kearns, Upper Doyle Road, who died recently and we extend our sympathy to their families.
Parish Visitation
Fr. John will visit homes on Cross Douglas Road.
Fr. Kerry will visit homes in Mercier Park.
St. Josephs Young Priests Society
Monthly meeting on Tuesday 10th Feb. after 10 am Mass in the Parish Centre.
St. Finbarrs Weight Lifting Club, Evergreen St.
Open every night from 6 pm. New members welcome Phone 4847865.
The Club is celebrating its 25th anniversary this week.
N.C.E. S.A.F.E. Ltd.
Turners Cross Parish Services have a limited amount of hot water Tank Lagging Jackets and Low Energy Light Bulbs to supply to the local community free of charge on the Low Income Housing Programme.
For further details Contact the Parish Office 91 MonFri.
1) Old Age Pension living alone.
2) Household dependent on social Welfare.
3) Invalidity Pension.
4) Disability Books.
5) Widows/Widowers.
Celebration of International Day for Religious
Celebrating the Gift of Religious Life.
Laity and Religious Praying and Sharing.
This Sunday 8th Feb. 3 5 pm.
Venue: The Commons Inn, Commons Road.
Facilitator: Linda Irwin.
Speakers: Sr. Margaret Kiely, Sr. Eithne McDermott, Sr. Máiréad Fitzpatrick, Mr. D.D. OMahony.
Passion Play
will take place again this year in our Church during Holy Week, under the direction of Pierce Gunn.
If you are interested in taking part, a meeting will take place in the Church on Wednesday 18th February at 7.30 pm.
World Day of Prayer for the Sick
Prayers for those who are sick or worried
Lord, I appreciate even more the gift of good health.
Keep me focused on what is essential in life.
Continue your healing within me,
healing in mind and body,
so that I use my gifts in service of others.
Lord, you know what I need,
so I place my life and its needs in your care.
Without you, I am not. Without you, I cannot be.
Before Surgery
I thank you, Lord,
for those men and women who care for me.
Give skill to their hands, wisdom to their minds,
and sympathy and understanding to their hearts
as I place my days in your loving care.
Lord, do not forget me.
May my cry for help reach your ears.
Pick me up when I am troubled,
Calm my stress and anxiety.
You are my strength.
While Ill
Lord, I place myself in your loving care.
Send me consolation in my sorrow,
courage in my fear and healing in my illness.
May I accept whatever lies ahead.
Numbers drawn: 2, 8, 11, 12.
D. Cronin, B. Cronin, M. Lynch, U. Fehily
Last weeks net take 2,904
Last weeks second Collection 1,132
Anonymous Donation: 50
Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund. Box at the back of the Church.