January 18th 2004 – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Transforming God
It’s a strange reality that while few people object to the demands of the State for documentation, a chorus of protest arises when churches insist on marriage preparation. 'We know each other’, 'We’ve been going/living together for three years’ is regularly parrotted. Some churches also feel 'used’ as a quaint photographic backdrop for a wedding with guests unsure of when to sit or stand, never mind the ritual.
Thankfully Jesus was only a guest at Cana. He did not have to prepare a couple for marriage.
Modern marriages are lived out in vastly different situations. Few families are untouched by marriage breakdown. Away from family support, things can unravel. Walls can arise between couples, cemented by the mortar of indifference. We all live under the same sky, but we don’t have the same horizons or goals. In the face of it all, we can keep God and people at arms length. Understandable, but not God’s way.
A shattered, exiled people returning to a ruined Jerus-alem (First Reading) hear of being like newly-weds. People unsure of the value of their talents (Second Reading) are told to recognise and use them generously.
In the Gospel, much, much more than a kindness to an embarrassed couple. A lesson — God can transform us, take the ordinary in us and make it extraordinary.

Spirituality of everyday life — one day retreat
Based on the writings of St. Térèse, a unique one day retreat will be held in St. Dominic’s Ennismore on Sunday Jan. 31st. – comprising meditation, reflection and guided inputs to help peace and healing enter our hearts & lives.
Facilitated by Martina Lehane ('Shower of Roses’) 450252

We remember in our prayers Derry O'Shea, 'Beal Ban' Tory Top Rd, who died recently and extend our sympathy to his family.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The Turners Cross Conference Members of St. Vincent de Paul wish to thank parishioners for their kind and very generous gifts of money, toys and food parcels for 2003.
Your Christmas Collection amounted to €2,310.50.

Church Directory 2004
A very useful book to have: on sale at the back of the Church.
Price €4.
Catholic Papers
The Irish Catholic, The Universe, The Catholic Times: all on sale at the back of the Church.

Christ the King Church Restoration Fund
on Friday, 6th February, 2004
in Christ the King Church, Turners Cross
at 8 pm sharp
Cara O’Sullivan
Cork Symphony Orchestra
Cór Chois Abhann
Christ the King Church Choir
Tickets €15 each from
Pro-Musica, Oliver Plunkett St. 4271659
Veritas Book Shop, Carey’s Lane 4251255
Parish Office 4312465 after Mass today and during the week.
Main Sponsor — Henry Ford & Son Ltd.

South Parish Community Association
Over 60s Talent Competition
January 23rd 2004 at 8 pm sharp
in South Parish Community Centre
Sawmill Street
Tickets €5 each will include a raffle ticket
Refreshments Served
Anybody interested in entering the competition should contact Maureen Holland 4963371.

Tramore Athletic FC
Long haul: Our talented U-13 squad face an away tie in Dundalk at the end of the month in the National Cup.
Anyone wishing to make a financial contribution to the cost of this trip should contact Derry O’Callaghan c/o Ziccos Pizzas at 021 – 4968282.
Well done: to Steven Madden U-12 for his performance recently v Midleton in the cup.

LOTTO DRAW Jan. 12th
Numbers drawn: 7, 15, 24, 27.
€35 CASH
B. Nation, B. Cantwell, Bro. Ben., M. Buckley
Last week’s net “take” €3,149
Last week’s second Collection €1,305
Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund. Box at the back of the Church.

It’s a most unusual day
Today is a most unusual day, because we have never lived it before;
We will never live it again; it is the only day we have.
Today can be a healthy unusual day for you – and for others – if you take time to give someone a smile . . .
to express a word of kindness . . .
to lend a helping hand to someone in need . . .
to write a note of gratitude . . .
to give a word of encouragement to someone
who is temporarily overcome with problems . . .
to share a portion of your material possessions with others.
Lose yourself in generous service
and every day can be a most unusual day,
a triumphant day,
an abundantly rewarding day!