Back to business as usual, eh? Tis the season of crumpled wrapping paper and overstuffed bins and stomachs. As we sing Christmas carols about the coming of Christ at Christmas, part of us is thinking more about the coming of the credit card bills in January!
Even Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus had to get back to 'normal a son to raise, Herod to avoid, religious obligations to keep. In the space of a few days weve rolled on 12 years and were back in Jerusalem at the Temple this time. If babies are physically demanding, then teenagers of all time drain parents emotionally and psychologically. Modern parents will agree that the demands of the adolescents tie you down far more than any infant. In some ways every parent would love to cry 'stop and hold the baby, rather than let their child grow and go. Its not our way or choice, but Gods.
This Sunday dedicated to the Holy Family is not a time to feel inadequate about the shortcomings of our families of origin. Its more a time to pray in our respective families that together we help give each other the wings to soar and the roots of belonging wherever the 'Fathers affairs take us (Gospel).
Thank You
Every parish is a kind of family an extended family. Together united in faith, hope and love groups of followers of Jesus Christ gather in mutual support, to live a Christian life. Together they worship God, especially at Mass; together they share their faith with their children and with others. Such it is, or should be, in every parish.
It is right as the year ends, to thank God that in our parish of Turners Cross there are so many families and individuals who live the faith they profess. In our Parish there are many people whose special contribution to parish life is essential and immense. Through their often unnoticed work, the Parish runs smoothly and parish life is enriched. Today we offer our special thanks to these Ministers of Word and Eucharist, the Choir, Altar Servers, Church Collectors, Sacristan, Altar Society, those who care for the Church and clean it every week, Parish Dues Collectors,
We thank those involved in the fund raising for the Church Restoration: those who have been and who are organising various fund raising events; the promoters and organisers of the Parish Lotto and those who contributed. We thank those who put up the Crib and decorated the sanctuary so beautifully; those who gave poinsettia pot plants and flowers
Fr. John and I thank you for the welcome you give us when we visit your homes and for your support in the Parish Dues and the Christmas and Easter offerings. It is much appreciated.
We wish you a very happy and peaceful New Year.
Fr. Kerry.
Weekday Mass
Morning Mass will be at 10 am. except on New Years Day, Thursday 1st January: Mass at 11 am.
Parish Calendar
If you havent received a copy of the Parish Calendar, you can collect your copy (free) in the Sacristy.
We remember in our prayers:
Maureen OLeary, Doyle Road, who died recently,
and extend our sympathy to her family.
A New Beginning
As the New Year starts and the old year ends,
Theres no better time to make amends
for all the things we sincerely regret
and wish in our hearts
we could somehow forget.
We all make mistakes and its human to err,
but no one need ever give up in despair,
for God gives us all a brand new beginning,
a chance to start over and repent of our sinning.
LOTTO DRAW Dec. 22/29
Numbers drawn:
8, 10, 14, 17.
1, 2, 4, 6.
(1) P. Murray, B. Jones, K. Browne, D. Whelton
(2) J. McGorman, B. Morgan, A. Madden, N. OCallaghan
Promoters Prize: T. Burke
NEXT JACKPOT (Mon. 5 Jan): 2950
Net take for two weeks 5,853
Last weeks second Collection 1,400
Anonymous Donations: 65, 40
The next Lotto Draw will be on Monday 5th Jan.