This weekend we extend a warm welcome to Fr. Tom Ryan, who will conduct our Parish Mini Mission. We hope and pray that his stay among us will be happy and fruitful. As mentioned last week, we wrote to all the contemplative orders in the country (25) asking their prayers. We have received many letters from the Orders assuring us of their prayers for you all, and for Fr. Tom, at this special time of Mission.
Mission Programme
* Sun. 16th Nov.
3 p.m. Blessing of Life
* Mon. 17th Nov.
10 a.m. Mass and Sermon
11.30 a.m. Mass for Girls Primary School
7.30 p.m. Mission Mass & Sermon
* Tues. 18th Nov.
10 a.m. Mass & Sermon
11.30 a.m. Mass for Boys Primary School
3 p.m. Healing Service and Blessing of the Sick
7.30 p.m. Mass (candle light) and Reconciliation
* Wed. 19th Nov.
10 a.m. Mass & Sermon
12 noon Youth Celebration with Girls Secondary School
7.30 p.m. Mass & Mission Sermon; Mayfield Brass Band will play.
Mission Prayer
God our loving Father
who made us your children in baptism
pour out on us afresh the gifts of your
Holy Spirit, during the Mission.
Open our ears to hear your Word,
open our hearts to hear you in prayer,
that we may receive with ever deeper
faith the Bread of Life.
Strengthened through these gifts
make us signs of your presence
to the world of today.
Father, hear our humble prayer
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We remember in our prayers those who died recently:
Fr. Bill Daly, late of Friar's Rd. former Parish Priest Pembroke Docks, Wales
Bridie ONeill, Fr. Matthew Road,
Irene Considine, Cross Douglas Road,
Andrew Black, South Douglas Road,
and we extend our sympathy to their families.
We welcome into the Christian Community:
Cerys Noelle McCarthy, Greenhills Estate.
Feast of Christ the King
To mark the Feast of Christ the King, there will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament after the 10 am Mass on Saturday next until before the 6 pm Vigil Mass.
Christ the King Girls Secondary School
Mass will be offered in the Church on Monday 24th Nov. at 7 pm for deceased Students, Past Pupils, Staff and Families. All are welcome.
The Messiah
Christ the King Church is set to reverberate to the sound of 100voice Choir on Saturday 29th November for a performance of Handels Messiah.
The East Cork Orchestra, Conductor Colm Nicholls, will play.
Tickets 15 in the Parish Office after Mass.
Proceeds in aid of the Church Restoration Fund.
Christmas Day Swim
will take place on Myrtleville Beach on ChristmasDay at 12 noon. Sponsorship Cards in aid of the Church Restoration Fund are available in the Parish Office.
Parish Christmas Card
Parish Christmas Card and Christmas Triduum Mass Cards are available in the Parish Office after Mass.
Diocesan Marriage Counselling Centre, Paul St.
The Annual Collection for the Centre takes place next weekend 22/23 November.
C.M.C.C. provides services and encourages couples in new marriages, counsels couples in distressed marriages, supports couples in broken marriages and enables couples in healthy marriages.
Contact Tel. No. (021) 4275678.
LOTTO DRAW Nov. 10th
Numbers drawn: 2, 14, 21, 26.
M. OSullivan, D. Wolfe, P. Kelleher, A. Murphy
Last weeks net take 2,952
Last weeks second Collection 1,360