Todays Psalm
This psalm celebrates deliverance from bondage in Babylon. It seemed like a dream, almost too good to be true. Laughter and song fill the air.
The story of God's redeeming love is a marvel to be celebrated every day. But, sadly, we too easily pass through this world blind to its wonders. With Bartimaeus we cry out that we may see.
Helen Keller, physically blind and deaf, once asked a friend what she had seen in her forest walk. `Nothing, really. Helen, who could catch the singing of a bird on a branch through vibrations, was stunned.
If I pass a day without responding in praise to God, I should ask myself what holds me in bondage.
Master, let me see again.
Deliver us, O Lord, from our bondage.
May our eyes be opened to your wonders.
And our ears receptive to your story.
What marvels the Lord worked for us,
Indeed we were glad.
Thank you, Lord, that I can see . . . so many are blind.
Thank you, Lord, that I can hear . . . so many are deaf.
Thank you, Lord, that I can walk . . . so many are crippled.
Thank you, Lord, that I have food . . . so many are starving.
Thank you, Lord, that I have shelter . . . so many are
Thank you, Lord, for the touch of a friendly hand . . .
so many are lonely.
Thank you, Lord, for the cross you share with me and for
all your blessings . . . so many deserve them better.
Help me, Lord, always to be mindful. Amen.
1st November Feast of All Saints
Friday Vigil Mass: 6 pm.
Saturday Masses: 10 am, 12 noon and 6 pm.
2nd November All Souls Day
The Holy Souls Novena of Masses begins on 2nd Nov. and continues until 10th Nov. Please return the Lists of your Dead which will be placed on the altar to the box at the altar rail during the week. Envelopes are available at back of the Church.
The times of the weekday Masses during the Novena will be at 8 am, 10 am and 6 pm.
Prayer Ceremony & Blessing of Graves
will take place in our local cemetery, St. Josephs, on Sunday next 2nd Nov. at 3 pm. Also in St. Michaels, Blackrock at 3 pm. Bring a small container to take some of the water blessed at the ceremony to sprinkle on your family grave.
Mission Sunday Collection
came to 1,930. Sincere thanks to all and to the Boys & Girls of the Primary Schools who led us in the Special Ceremony for Mission Sunday.
We welcome into the Christian Community
Conor Keneth OHerlihy, who was baptised recently.
Bank Holiday
There will be no 8 am Mass this Bank Holiday Monday.
Important Date
Parish Mini Mission: 15th 19th November.
It will be given by Fr. Tom Ryan, Parish Priest of the Parish of Shannon. More details next week.
Mini Marathon
The proceeds of the recent Mini Marathon came to 1,180. Our thanks to the participants and their sponsors.
Turners Cross Gramophone Circle
Recital this Wednesday 29th Oct. in the Parish Centre at 7.45 pm. Presenter Dave Hallihan.
Parish Christmas Card
A very nice Parish Christmas Card (with photo of Church) and Christmas Triduum Mass Cards are available in the Parish Office during the week (on display back of Church).
UCC Counselling and Health Studies Unit (CHSU)
Would you like to improve the quality of life of older people?
Would you be willing to take part in a study in UCC?
Are you over 60?
If so, contact Mike Murphy, CHSU, at (021) 4902084 or
087 6438798
Recovery Inc. offers a self-help method for dealing with depression, anxiety, anger, fears or phobias, panic attacks. Recovery holds a meeting at the Capuchin Friary, Fr. Matthew Quay, every Wednesday at 7.30 pm. All are welcome.
Foster Carers Required
The Fostering Resource Unit, Southern Health Board, seek people in Cork City and County to foster young people aged 12 years and over. We wish to recruit individuals and families from all walks of life who are committed, adaptable and understanding. A preparation course and on-going support is provided. Foster carers will be paid an allowance to cover costs.
For further information please contact (021) 4923025.
LOTTO DRAW Oct. 20th
Numbers drawn: 8, 14, 15, 27.
M. Caffey, B. Brosnan, J. Coakley, M. OMahony
Last weeks net take 3,055
Anonymous Donations £8.695 = 11,040
Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund.
Box at the back of the Church.
Because of Bank Holiday the Lotto Draw will take place on Tuesday 28 Oct. at 7.30 pm in Parish Centre.