October 19th 2003 – Mission Sunday

Mission Sunday
The theme for Mission Sunday this year is: `Make his face shine.’
Everyone who bears the name of Christ is called to know Jesus and to make him known. To help us in our mission, God provides us with people who are truly encouraging examples to us all.
Today the Church beatifies one such exceptional person, Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She truly made known the face of Jesus to millions of people. She did so by recognising Jesus in the poorest of the poor and by reaching out to the outcasts of society. Mother Teresa showed the face of the high priest who `is capable of experiencing our weaknesses with us.’
It is that same high priest who gathers us together each Sunday. Having recognised him `in the scriptures and the breaking of the bread’ we are empowered to go out and `make his face shine’ to all we meet.

Mission Ceremony
The boys and girls from our Primary Schools will lead us in a ceremony for Mission Sunday. It will take the place of the Prayers of the Faithful. At the end of the ceremony we will pray together:
Lord Jesus, you love all children. We want to show our love for you by doing all we can to help all the children to come to know and to love you. We promise to share our prayers, love and good things with others here and around the world.
Lord, look kindly on Missionaries. Fill their hearts with perseverance and courage so that they may patiently continue the work of the Apostles in our world today. Amen.

Second Collection today for the Missions.

Beatification of Mother Teresa
The beatification of Mother Teresa will take place on this World Mission Sunday, a day Pope John Paul usually dedicates to highlighting the Christian obligation to explicitly proclaim salvation in Christ. There is no doubt Mother Teresa was a “missionary” of charity and never hid her faith. She wanted to proclaim the Gospel not just with words but by being a light, a radiance of God’s presence.
Seats at the ceremony in St. Peter’s this Sunday have been reserved for 3,000 men, women and children who eat and sleep at the kitchens and shelters in Rome run by the members of the Order founded by Mother Teresa. Immediately after the ceremony these special guests will be served lunch in the Vatican’s audience hall. The beatification is a celebration to give glory to God for what he has done through Mother Teresa. It is hoped the Beatification will have a “ripple effect” reminding all of us of our call to serve God in the poor. Mother Teresa said, “I just want to be a pencil in God’s hand.” “God uses nothingness to show his greatness.”

We welcome into the Christian Community
Elle Lynch, Capwell Road, and
Zac Mark Twomey, Derrynane Road.

Ministers of the Eucharist
The Rotas for Ministers of the Eucharist for the coming weeks can be collected in the Sacristy after Mass.

Altar Servers
The Vatican have cleared up any doubt about altar girls. They are to continue. New servers (boys & girls) will be starting shortly. Anyone from 4th Class upwards is welcome. Contact Sr. Marie at the Convent, or any of the Priests.

Our hearty congratulations to Billy Morgan on his appointment as Manager of the Cork Senior Football Team.

Peace Mass
The 25th Annual Mass for Industrial Peace and Social Justice will be held in St. Mary’s, Popes Quay, on this Sunday 19 Oct. at 4 pm. Preacher: Fr. Harry Bowen. After the Mass awards will be presented to: St. Vincent de Paul Society and to our Sacristan, Jack Kiely. All are welcome. We congratulate Jack.

Christmas Cards
A very nice Parish Christmas Card (with photo of Church) and Christmas Triduum Mass Cards are available in the Parish Office. They are available early to facilitate those sending Christmas Cards abroad.

Holy Souls Novena of Masses
The Novena of Masses for your Dead begins on Nov. 2nd.
Envelopes are available at the back of the Church for the Lists of your Dead. They should be returned to the box at the Altar rails.

Greenmount Past Pupils
Calling all past pupils of Greenmount National School — the college on the hill.
Next year we celebrate 150 years. Many events are planned. We hope to see you at some of them. One of the biggest attractions will be an exhibition of old photographs. If you have any photographs from your school days, or know of anyone who has, please contact us. All originals will be returned as soon as they are copied. Please help us to make this a memorable event.
Contact Donal Whooley (Principal) at 4966242. Or better still, call to the school. We look forward to seeing you.

LOTTO DRAW Oct. 13th.
Numbers drawn: 6, 13, 22, 25.
€35 CASH
M. Delaney, Elaine & Brian, S. Galvin, Tony
Last week’s net “take” €2,890
Last week’s second Collection €1,220
Anonymous Donation €500

Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund.
Box at the back of the Church.