Todays Psalm a Blessing Prayer
May the Lord bless us all the days of our life.
This psalm is a lovely blessing prayer for family life.
Blessed is that home where God is shown reverence and the commandments are respected.
We can still draw inspiration from the age-old images used for the blessed family.
By the labours of your hands you shall eat. The dignity of work which supports the family is a blessing not to be underestimated.
Your wife will be like a fruitful vine in the heart of your house. This recognised the irreplaceable maternal virtues which make a mother the heart of the home.
Shoots of the olive . . . picture the care that goes in to rearing children. The olive, in time, will become a source of oil useful in healing, soothing and enrichment of taste. Parents hope to see their children develop talents that will enable them to make a contribution to society. To see their grandchildren is another blessing.
On Israel, peace. A nation will never know peace without family peace.
Emigrant Sunday
Today, 5 October, is Emigrant Sunday, day when as a church we remember in prayer our emigrants. There will scarcely be a family in Ireland whose prayers are not very personalised not a generic prayer for all migrant people, but very specific ones for Tommy, Breda, Mary or Uncle Joe.
Time and distance are no barriers to prayer and so they will wing their way to London, New York, increasingly to Sydney or Hong Kong, and will span the years. There will be prayers for the great exoduses of the 50s and 80s, when thousands and thousands left.
Prayers of thanks will be said for the good lives many made. And we will pray for the victims of emigration those who are homeless, alcoholic or mentally ill in London, or lonely in a once Irish neighbourhood in New York.
The Irish abroad: facts
1. There are 1.2 million Irish-born living abroad.
2. There are 1,100 Irish people in foreign jails.
3. The Constitution now includes this statement:
It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in this island . . . to be part of the Irish nation.
Dates for your Parish Diary
* 16th Oct. 25th Anniversary of election of Pope John Paul.
* 19th Oct. Mission Sunday.
* 22nd Oct. Enrolment and Commitment Ceremony of those preparing for Confirmation in Girls N.S.
* 22nd Oct. Enrolment of those preparing for First Holy Communion in Boys N.S.
* 23rd Oct. Enrolment of those preparing for First Holy Communion in Girls N.S.
* 2nd Nov. Prayers and Blessing of Graves in St. Josephs Cemetery. Novena of Masses for Holy Souls begins
* 8th9th Nov. Remembrance Weekend.
* 15th19th Nov. Mini Parish MIssion given by Fr. Tom Ryan of Shannon.
* 23rd Nov. Feast of Christ the King.
* 29th Nov. Handels Messiah.
* 20th & 21st Dec. Penitential Rites.
* 3rd Mar. First Confessions Boys.
* 4th Mar. First Confessions Girls.
* 23rd Mar. Parish Confirmations.
* 3rd & 4th Apr. Penitential Rites.
* 11th Apr. Easter Sunday.
* 8th May First Holy Communion Boys.
* 22nd May First Holy Communion Girls.
Two Letters of Thanks
(1) From the Sisters and Friends of St. Patricks/Marymount Hospice, Wellington Road, for the proceeds of the Coffee Morning in aid of the Hospice. 855.
(2) From Sr. Mary Neville of the Missionary Sisters of the Rosary (Killeshandra Nuns) for your tremendous generosity.
3,101.68 was collected.
Both communities assure you of their prayers and thanks for your generosity.
St. Josephs Young Priests Society
Their Annual Mass & A.G.M. will be held on Tuesday 14 Oct. This year Fr. Cian OSullivan, recently ordained, will celebrate the Mass and give his First Blessing. The Mass will be in the church at 7.30 pm, followed by the A.G.M. in the Parish Centre. (more details next week)
Reach for Recovery
The Irish Cancer society in association with Reach to Recovery, our breast cancer support group, is holding a Breast Cancer Information Day in theSilver Springs Moran Hotel, Cork, on Saturday 18th October from 11.00 am until 3.30 pm. See Notice at back of the Church.
Youth 2000
The 5th Annual Youth Retreat in Cork takes place on 17 19 October at Farranferris College. Youth 2000 is organised by young people for young people.
Phone Barry at 086 3451178. See Notice at back of the Church.
LOTTO DRAW Sept. 29th.
Numbers drawn: 10, 14, 24, 25.
P. Hegarrty, K. Spilane, C. Loughlin, C. Cronin
Last weeks net take 2,855
Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund.
Box at the back of the Church.