September 14th 2003 – Triumph of the Cross

The Cross
Never forget the deeds of the Lord.
In celebrating the Triumph of the Cross we keep the saving deeds of Jesus Christ before our minds.
The psalmist sees the story of the past as a parable for his own day. He describes three stages in the pattern of their lives:
* When things went badly they would turn to God, their rock and their redeemer;
* But once their troubles abated they forgot God and all their holy promises;
* However, God always remained faithful to his promises, for he is full of compassion.
Divine compassion has been manifested to us nowhere as much as on the cross where Jesus was lifted up on our behalf. The cross shows us the dreadful consequences of sin in the sufferings of Jesus. But it also shows the triumph of life and love over death and evil. The tree of death has become the tree of life.
Never forget the deeds of the Lord.

Liam Lawton & Lorica in Concert
Christ the King Church, Turners Cross
Sat. 27th Sept. 2003 at 8 pm
Tickets €15 on sale after Massat Parish Office Veritas 021-4251255 and Pro Musica 021-4271659
Proceeds in aid of the Church Restoration Fund.
Sui Leonard interviewed Fr. Liam Lawton in the current issue of ‘Reality’: “I don’t know another priest who has performed with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, who has had No. 2 hit in Norway, runner-up in Eorosong (1998), has had standing ovations at all his concerts in the past two years. On Sept. 11th 2001 the story that touched Lawton most was that of the 40 schoolchildren in the Bronx who had not been collected at the end of the day. In the end the teachers divided the children up and took them to their own homes. But that story stayed with me, says Lawton. I kept thinking about those children and last June a letter arrived from a teacher in that school. She said she used one of my songs in the healing process of the children.
One of Fr. Liam’s songs, ‘The Cloud Veil’, was chosen by the Americans to be used at the memorial services around Sept. 11th. They chose it because it contained the words, ‘When the dark clouds veil the sky, I am by your side.”
But perhaps most moving of all was the woman whose husband was buried in rubble under the Pentagon on Sept. 11th. “She used my song putting it on Repeat for seven hours. She kept listening and believing, and he was pulled out alive.”
In America, he has been commissioned three times to provide work for St. Patrick’s Day. Recently Liam Lawton was asked by the Vatican to write a piece for the Beatification of Mother Teresa in October.
How fortunate we are that Fr. Liam is coming to our Church on Saturday 27th September.

We welcome Sr. Mary Neville of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary (The Killeshandra Nuns) who will be speaking at all the Masses this weekend to promote Mission Awareness. If you would like to contribute to the Holy Rosary Missions you will have an opportunity as you leave the Church. There will be a basket at each door.

We welcome into the Christian Community
Eoin Francis O’ Donovan, Cross Douglas Road
who was baptised recently.

Our congratulations and good wishes to
Michael O’Sullivan, Blackrock, and
Catriona Rea, Mercier Park
who were married recently.

The Fold, Autumn 2003 — €2.00
Proposed changes to marriage laws in Ireland and what they mean for church ceremonies.
Profile of first woman president of Cork St. Vinvent de Paul Society which is marking 150 years.
Pluse news & features on Fr. Cian’s Ordination, the full Conformation schedule, clerical changes, Turners Cross golf outing, etc.
Reports from lay missionaries
Clerical changes & obituaries.

Ladies Evening Echo Mini–Marathon
Sunday 21st September 2003
in aid of Christ the King Church Restoration Fund.
Sponsorship cards available in the Sacristy after Mass today and in the Parish Office during the week (Mon. — Fri. 9 am — 1 pm).

Bereaved Parents Support Group
Annual Commemorative Gathering
on Sunday 21st Sept.
2.30 pm Bishop Lucey Park, Grand Parade.
Gather at Plaque dedicated to all deceased children.
3.00 pm St. Francis Church, Liberty Street,
Dedication Service & Lighting of Candle
for each deceased child.
Everyone is welcome.

Coffee Morning
in aid of Marymount Hospice, Wellington Road, on this Thursday 18th Sept. in Parish Centre after 10 am Mass.

LOTTO DRAW Sept. 8th.
Numbers drawn: 12, 22, 25, 27.
€35 CASH
B. Collins, C. Power, B. & A. Farry, J. Birmingham
Last week’s net “take” €2,920
Last week’s second Collection €1,110
Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund.
Box at the back of the Church.