July 13th 2003 – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Accepting the Message
One of the most disturbing features of sacramental practice in Ireland at the moment is the number of people who present themselves and their families for sacramental celebrations like baptism, First Eucharist, confirmation and marriage, without any commitment to ongoing practice of their faith. In an increasing number of cases, these sacramental moments are merely rites of passage that provide a context for family celebrations.
As a church, we seem to be reluctant to challenge and empower people to make free decisions about their faith, in such a way that the outward signs really reflect the inward reality. How did we get to this point?
When Jesus preached his message to crowds of people, he issued an invitation for people to believe in him and to follow him if they were able and willing to commit to him. Many did follow him and many others walked away. In today’s Gospel as Jesus sends out his disciples, he clearly accepts that some will not accept his message. A free choice is at the heart of the Gospel message and our response to it.

Public Lecture
Cork Historical and Archeological Society
The History and Architecture of Christ the King Church, Cork
Speaker:  Aidan O’Shea
The lecture will take place in the Church
on this Wednesday 16th July at 7.30 pm
Admission Free — All are welcome

Christ the King Parish Services
A service to the elderly and others, grass cutting and basic house maintenance, Domestic & Socially Monitored Alarms.
Contact the Parish Office. Tel. 4312465.
Items for your garden – See Display in Church Grounds.

Dates for your Diary
* 18th August      
Golf Classic in Cork Golf Club in aid of the Restoration Fund.
* 21st September    
Cork Ladies Mini Marathon
in aid of the Restoration Fund.
* 27th September    
Liam Lawton and Lorica in concert in the Church.
* 9th November    
Remembrance Sunday
* 29th November    
Handel’s Messiah with East Cork Choral Society in the Church.
* 20th/21st Dec.    
Penitential Services.
* 25th December    
Sponsored Swim in Myrtleville.

LOTTO DRAW July 7th.
Numbers Drawn:  1,  7,  12,  21.
€35 CASH
T. & M. Power,  M. O’Sullivan,  M. O’Callaghan,
V. O’Callaghan
Last week’s net “take”       €2,901
Last week’s second Collection       €1,100
Anonymous Donation    €300    
Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund.
Box at the back of the Church.    

A Bit Of Gardening
You night think that you’re not an expert in gardening, but read the following and you can see all the different jobs that can be done, starting right now —
First look at the weeds:    
Weed out gossip,
Weed out laziness,
Weed out indifference,
Weed out pride.
Plant five rows of peas:    
Plant five rows of lettuce:    
Let us be faithful,
Let us be loving,
Let us be useful,
Let us be trustful.
Let us be grateful.
Plant the reliable turnips:    
Turn up on time,
Turn up with a smile,
Turn up with a new idea,
and with new determination
Happy Gardening!!!