A Prophet Not Recognised
This has been a great year for football in County Laois. Much of the credit for the senior teams success has been given to the new manager, Mick ODwyer from Kerry. The players respect him and he had managed to get them to believe in themselves and their ability. He demands a very high level of discipline and he is not afraid to censure those who do not meet his standards.
Over the years Laois has had other football managers who were also very experienced. They worked with many of the same players who are in this years team. So what is the difference? One of the differences is that all the previous managers were local Laois men and Mick ODwyer is from far away.
Jesus faced something of the same situation in todays Gospel. He is the local man trying to get his own relatives and neighbours to believe in his message. He was amazed at their lack of faith. They could not see beyond his humble origins, his seed, breed and generation. This mental block on their part could really be described as a prejudice and so they were unable to receive Jesus teaching.
What prejudices prevent us from hearing the important messages in our own lives?
Bringing you up to date
Thanks to the generosity of so many people the fund raising goes well. After three and a half years of fund raising over €1.1 million has been raised. The outstanding balance to be raised is €670,000. The break down is as follows:
€480,000 debt on the Church Restoration.
€190,000 the parish contribution to the Day Care Centre for the Elderly presently under construction behind the priests houses with the entrance on Capwell Road. This entrance to the site is being made available by the Cork Diocesan Trustees.
At the present level of contributions this will involve two more years of fund raising, just six months over the target of five years.
In September 2001 when restoration work began on the Church and a loan had to be arranged from the bank, two separate and independent bodies were set up to manage and finance the following two projects:
(1) The Church Restoration Fund Committe
incorporating the Parish Lotto and those responsible for ongoing fund raising activities to clear the church debt.
(2) Turners Cross Social Services Ltd.
a company with charitable status to receive State and National Lottery Grants and to direct the Centre. It is a joint venture with the Southern Health Board and will be grant aided by the State.
When the two bodies were set up in September 2001 there was €380,000 in the Fund. That will be equally divided between the two independent projects.
It is great to see the rapid progress being made in the Day Care Centre which should be completed by the end of the year. OShea Builders are the main contractors for the Day Care Centre.
Public Lecture
Cork Historical and Archeological Society
The History and Architecture
of Christ the King Church, Cork
Speaker: Aidan OShea
The lecture will take place in the Church
on Wednesday 16th July at 7.30 pm
Admission Free All are welcome
St. Josephs Young Priests Society
Monthly meeting in the Parish Centre this Tuesday 8 pm.
An Evening of Magical Musicals
Cork Opera House Tuesday 22nd July at 8 pm.
Concert celebrating the world of Musical Theatre from Broadway to West End. 80 Students from our City between 7 and 18 years. Local Professionals & West End Performers will be part of the concert.
Catholic Papers
on sale at the back of the Church for a trial period. If there is a demand we will place a permanent order:
The Irish Catholic: 75c.
The Universe: €1.25
The Catholic Times: €1.25
Catholic Life: €3.20
The Director of Trócaire has written to thank the Parish of Turners Cross for their generous contribution to the Trócaire Lenten Appeal €7,220 was raised.
Christ the King Parish Services
A service to the elderly and others l grass cutting and basic house maintenance l Domestic & Socially Monitored Alarms
Contact the Parish Office. Tel. 4312465.
Items for your garden See Display in Church Grounds.
LOTTO DRAW June 30th
Numbers drawn: 12, 16, 19, 21.
€35 CASH
P. Walsh, H. Maguire, H. Grimes, A. Daly
Promoters Draw B. Mullin
Last weeks net take €2,818
Anonymous Donation €50
Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund.
Box at the back of the Church.
Freedom is to be in possession of oneself.
A successful marriage is an edifice that
must be built every day.