June 29th 2003 – Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul

Peter & Paul
Today’s feast of Peter and Paul stars two unlikely bed-fellows. As different as the themes of today’s readings: Fear and Rescue. Peter is rescued from prison and its double chains in our first reading. Paul tells us that God stood by him and rescued him from the lion’s mouth (second reading).
Chains, prison and the lion’s mouth. You don’t need to be a fledgling preacher like Peter or Paul to have experienced the self-imposed prisons and afflictions of our human hatreds and prejudices, our afflictions, errors, follies and paralysing fears.
Fear is usually seen as something negative and paralysing, something to overcome with more knowledge and preparation, We’re do-it-yourselfers, and when we can’t pull ourselves out of whatever mess, we may despair. Peter and Paul today can echo the psalm, ‘from all my terrors the Lord set me free.’
Today’s feast of Ss. Peter and Paul is a celebration not simply of two men, but of the Chhurch. Different people, contrasting experiences, varied outlooks and visions. It has always been so. But the heart of our being a church is the way in which we answer the Gospel question today: Who do you say I am? Both Peter and Paul, by their lives and deaths, inspire us to have the courage to say: ‘You are the Christ!’

Peter’s Pence
This is a mysterious collection to many people. It is taken up on the feast of Ss. Peter & Paul (this Sunday June 29th).
Donations to it are contributed to a fund which is used by the Pope to make donations to special charities each year and to partly fund the works of the Church throughout the world, including Rome.
Here’s an extract from the Vatican website:
At the beginning of his papacy Pope John Paul II indicated the general rule and underlying inspiration for this offering:
“The primary source of support for the Apostolic See should be in offerings freely given by Catholics throughout the whole world, along with any other people of good will. This is in harmony with a tradition dating back to the Gospel (cf. Lk 10:7) and the teaching of the Apostles (cf. 1 Cor. 11:14)”.

A Great Week
Today’s reading from Paul’s second letter to Timothy might have been written for this evening’s closing ceremony of the Special Olympics. The same joy, the same sense of victory and sheer fulfilment at having run the good race are shared by Paul and the many marvellous athletes whom we will celebrate in the closing ceremony this evening. Together these athletes and the great apostle Paul are witnesses to a profound truth — the endurance of the spirit in the face of adversity.
In Paul and in Peter we celebrate the victory of freedom over the chains and persecution of violence. Martin Luther King knew the same determination of spirit when he wrote of those who oppressed his people: ‘One day we shall win our freedom, but not only for ourselves. We shall so appeal to your heart and conscience that we shall win you in the process, and our victory will be a double victory.’
The Opening Ceremony of the Special Olympics and the games during the week are a magnificent sign of what can be achieved when we focus on the abilities of people rather than their disabilities. The athletes have taught us much about motivation and determination and the power of inclusion and participation.
To all the athletes, volunteer helpers and organisers we say well done and thanks for the joy and hope you have brought to all of us.

Turners Cross Day Care & Social Centre
(at present under construction)
You are invited to an Information Meeting on Wed. next 2nd July 7.30 pm — 9.30 pm in the Primary Girls School Hall, Evrgreen Road. Drawings and artists’ impressions on display.

Public Lecture
Cork Historical and Archeological Society
“The History and Architecture of Christ the King Church, Cork”
Speaker:  Aidan O’Shea
The lecture will take place in the Church
on Wednesday 16th July at 7.30 pm
Admission Free — All are welcome

Christ the King Parish Services
A service to the elderly and others  —   grass cutting and basic house maintenance — Contact the Parish Office.
Items for your garden — See Display in Church Grounds.

Alzheimer Society of Ireland
(Cork Branch)
Monday 7th July Jury’s Hotel at 8 pm

LOTTO DRAW June 23rd
Numbers drawn:  6,  7,  10,  23.
€35 CASH
S. Falvey,  M. Purcell,  T. O’Brien,  O’Flynn Family
Last week’s net “take”       €2,857
Last week’s second Collection       €1,130
Anonymous Donations:        €35, €20    
Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund.
Box at the back of the Church.

Please Note
Weekday Mass at 10 am.
Confessions on Saturday after 10 am & 6 pm Mass.
Friday next is the First Friday of July.
There will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament after the 10 am Mass until 12.30 pm.