Corpus Christi – the Body and Blood of Christ
Feast readings replace Sunday readings.
Cork Eucharistic Procession
Our parish group will assemble outside the Church gates this Sunday at 3.00 p.m.
Preacher: Fr. Terence Crotty O.P.
Todays readings are all about food and life. From the earliest times God has taken care of his people. He showed them, and us, that as well as food for our body we need spiritual food to nourish our soul. God tells us that we cannot live on bread alone, but on everything that comes from the mouth of the Lord in the scriptures. Today we celebrate Jesus giving himself completely to us in his teaching, preaching, forgiving, healing, dying on the cross, and especially in the Eucharist under the signs of bread and wine.
Prayer: Jesus, when I receive Holy Communion I know that I am receiving you. Help me to stay in communion with you all my life. Amen.
Mass Notice
For the Summer months from this Mon. 23 June there will be no 8 am Mass. It will resume on Monday Sept. 1st.
10 am Mass as usual on weekdays.
Confessions: Sat. after 10 am Mass and 6 pm Mass.
Special Collection
The annual Peters Pence Collection will be taken up next weekend, feast of Ss. Peter and Paul.
The collection goes to Papal Charities.
If you have a problem, there is an answer.
Open night Tues. 24 June at 8 pm in Silver Springs Moran Hotel, Tivoli. Phone 086 3429602.
Some Special Olympics statistics:
7,000 Athletes / 3,000 Coaches & Official Delegates
28,000 Families & Friends
166 International Delegations.
Special Olympics
The theme of the Games 2003: Share the Feeling.
We welcome all the participants, their families, friends and supporters to our country. The games are a magnificent symbol of what can be achieved when we focus on the abilities and skills of people rather than on their disabilities. The athletes will teach us much about motivation and determination and will bring enormous enjoyment to a worldwide audience. There could be no better advertisement for the power of inclusion and participation.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. Its not just in some of us; its in everyone.
(Nelson Mandela)
While we celebrate the involvement of everyone connected with the Special Olympics we remember that, for many people with disabilities, ordinary, everyday life is not always pleasant. There are, at present, an estimated 360,000 people living with a disability in Ireland.
An Opportunity to be seized
For all of us this event is a challenge. It can serve as a powerful reminder of who we are called to be as Church. Our Church is called to be a place and a people of welcome and inclusion. For the community of the baptised there is no room for exclusion. All are called and all are gifted. When we fail to actively welcome and include all our members we are robbing the Body of Christ, the Church, of gifts and talents that rightfully belong to it.
A Prayer
As the Special Olympics begin, we pray for:
The safety and support of the athletes, volunteer helpers and organisers of the games.
May all the participants in the games achieve their best and if they cannot win, let them be brave in the attempt.
May their presence in our country generate mutual good will, promote international partnership and be an example of courage, hope and love.
We pray that during their stay and on their return to their own countries, their achievements will be valued.
May they be helped with the necessary resources and support.
We pray this through Christ our Lord.
May all be aware that in our Church of Christ the King there is a ramp to make access to the Church easy and a Loop System for those with hearing difficulties who use a hearing aid.
Our congratulations and good wishes to Cian OSullivan from Bandon who was ordained priest for the Diocese of Cork & Ross by Bishop Buckley in Bandon on this Saturday 21st June.
We remember in our prayers John Dermody, Greenlawn, who died on Friday, and express our deep sympathy to the family.
South Parish Summer Recreation Scheme
Parents Night Meeting on this Wed. 25th June at 8 pm in the South Parish Community Centre, Sawmill St.
Parents of children on the Scheme are requested to attend.
LOTTO DRAW June 16th
Numbers drawn: 5, 8, 14, 25.
€35 CASH
U. Crowley, R. OCallaghan, D. Fitzgibbon, S. Donnellan
Last weeks net take €3,029
Last weeks second Collection €1,190
Anonymous Donation €500
Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund.
Box at the back of the Church.