May 25th 2003 – 6th Sunday of Easter

Love is the Key
Today John teaches us that we are obliged to love others as God loves us. No boundaries! How often have we been told that faith will not feature on the final examination paper? We forget. We forget too that love will feature there. It is the only topic that will be examined, because it is God’s way of measuring our lives. ‘But where did we ever know you?’ ‘As often as you did it to one of the least of mine, you did it to me.’
Love is the key. Love casts out fear:
‘Fear is the characteristic emotion of someone who expects to be punished. So long as we regard God as the Judge, the King and the Lawgiver, there will be nothing in our hearts but fear, for in face of such a God we can expect nothing but punishment. But once we know God’s true nature, fear is swallowed up in love. The only fear that remains is the fear of losing this wonderful love.’ (Barclay).

World Premiere
On Thursday 19th June in our Church the World Premiere of Angel Clement’s Cello Concerto will be performed.
Soloist:  Gerard Kelly.
Angel Clement is our organist here in Turners Cross. He was born in Valencia, Spain, has lived in Cork for over 40 years.
A composer of note: many liturgical works, a piano quartet, a suite for flute & piano.
The Cork Chamber Orchestra will also play at the concert. The proceeds will go towards the Restoration Fund.

Mick O’Connell Appeal
Mick O’Connell and his family have asked us to convey to you all their sincere thanks for your generosity to the recent appeal. €2,000 was contributed.

Turners Cross Community Games
Monday 26th May 6.30 pm in Brother Colm’s Field on Nemo Rangers Pitch. Events listed on the notice board at the back of the Church. Queries: Louise Murphy 4966250 / 087 7838490.

Next Saturday 31st May the 6 pm Mass will be a shared Mass for all those doing their Leaving Cert. and Junior Cert. exams.
Special Cards are available in the Parish Office during the week. Our thoughts and prayers are with those preparing for exams.

There will be a Cake Sale in the Parish Centre after the Masses this weekend to raise funds for those participating in the Women’s Regatta in Henley (the biggest international women’s regatta in the world). Three parishioners are involved: Catríona Dorgan, Áine Dorgan (Neff) and Greg Neff, Coach.
Your support will be appreciated.

Passion Play
Those who ordered videos can collect them in the Sacristy after Mass.

Turner’s Cross Gramophone Circle
Parish Centre this Tuesday  7.45 pm
Presenter — Jim Ahern

We remember in our prayers
Dan Hourihan, Evergreen Road,
Barry Long, Mercier Park.
who died during the week, and we extend our sympathy to their families.

LOTTO DRAW  May 19th
Numbers drawn:  4,  12,  19,  26.
€35 CASH
B. Murphy, N. Collins Powell, B. Murphy, G. Sheehan
Last week’s net “take”       €3,018
Last week’s second Collection       €1,185
Anonymous Donation    €35
The Old Money is still welcome for the Restoration Fund. Box at back of the Church.

Prayer after Communion (lead by children)
Lord Jesus, I love and adore thee. You’re a special friend to me.
Welcome, Lord Jesus, O welcome. Thank you for coming to me,
Thank you, Lord Jesus, O thank you for giving yourself to me.
Make me strong to show your love wherever I may be.
Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask you to stay
Close by me forever and love me I pray.
Bless all of us children in your loving care
And bring us to heaven to live with you there.
I’m ready now, Lord Jesus, to show how much I care,
I’m ready now to give your love at home and everywhere.

A Smile
Take care that the face which looks out from your mirror
in the morning is a pleasant one: you may not see it again
all day, but others will – and it will attract or repel.
We may have more brains than our competitor; but if
he smiles and we frown, he will open doors
where we find them closed.
A smile is a natural relaxer for the one who does it and
for the one who sees it. A friend-maker,
a source of health, comfort and happiness for everybody.
If you meet a person with no smile,
why not give him yours.