May 18th 2003 – 5th Sunday of Easter

Dead Wood or Living Branches?
Pruning seems to be an area where many would-be gardeners slip up. It takes a lot of courage to take pruning shears in hand. If pruning is done in the wrong place, a the wrong time, the results can be disastrous: no fruit or bloom that year. But pruning must be done to remove what is dead or dying, unsure adequate sunlight and encourage new fruit or blossoms to develop.
It seems strange that we need such cutting discipline. But in everyday life, we have unnecessary clutter. We need the cutting away of bad habits and attitudes, wrong relationships, lesser priorities — anything that distracts from our highest calling.
We might think all this needs action on our part — and we’d be wrong. Several times in the Gospel passage, Jesus uses the word ‘remain’ or ‘abide’. When a person repeats something, it’s to get a message across. In this case, it’s to stay close to him. The rest just follows. Are we connected or just living in the same neighbourhood? Call ourselves Catholic but hardly Christian?
Connected people know too that whenever a time of deep pruning comes and the knife cuts deeply and the pain is severe, it is an inexpressible comfort to know that ‘my Father is the gardener’.

Gala Concert
It was great to see a full house at the Concert on Thursday night.
Our thanks to the performers, those who helped to organise the concert and prepare the Church, and the big numbers who came to support us. Many thanks.

Family Ministry
Family Ministry in conjunction with CRSS (Cork & Ross Social Services) invites applications for a one year temporary part-time position as Administrator/Resource Co-ordinator at Family Ministry, 34 Paul St., Cork. Commencing employment in September 2003 the successful candidate will assist the Directors in their work of providing support, education and leadership skills training in the areas of Bereavement, Parenting and Family Studies. Experience in counselling, networking with caring agencies and sourcing grant funding desirable. The successful candidate must be a good team person with good communication skills and able to work on their own initiative. Ongoing training in the work of Family Ministry will be provided on site.
For application form and full job description contact:
Family Ministry, 34 Paul St. or phone (021) 4275136.
Application forms & CVs to be returned by May 21st 2003.

Legion of Mary
Unfortunately the Legion of Mary Praesidium which has been active in the Parish for 60 years will have to close unless there are members forthcoming in the next month. Please come to the meeting on Monday night in the Parish Centre at 7.30 pm.

Summer Scheme 2003
The Committee of the Sth. Parish & Surrounding Areas scheme will be holding their enrolment nights on Monday 19th May and Mon. 9th June from 8 to 9 pm at the Community Centre, Sawmill St. (rear or Fiat garage). There are a limited number of places this year and applications after these dates will not be entertained. Book early to avoid disappointment.

We remember in our prayers Maud Foley, Derrynane Road, who died during the week,  and extend our sympathy to her family.

First Holy Communion
The Girls from Christ the King N.S. will receive their First Holy Communion on Saturday next 24th May at 10.30 am Mass.
There will be no 10 am Mass on Saturday.
We wish the Girls, their Families and Teachers a lovely day.

What the Children can teach us
It’s that time of year again. Girls in white dresses and boys with rosettes are conspicuous every weekend. All over Ireland, children are receiving First Holy Communion,
These children have been taught a lot. They’ve learned beautiful prayers and songs. They’ve learned how to stand still, sit, kneel, walk, receive the host, be quiet, pray. But maybe they have lessons for us as well.
Could we learn from these children how precious a gift it is to receive Communion?
Could the children teach us that the Bread of Life is nourishment for every weekend, not just an occasional pick-me-up?
Could we begin to see why First Communion is so important? (Because it’s part of the three-step process of becoming a full Catholic Christian: the three steps being Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation.)
Congratulations to all who take this important step in 2003. May they (and we) always hunger for the Bread of Life!

Pre-Marriage Courses
Natural Family Planning
Achieving Pregnancy
Menopause Counselling
Contact N.A.O.M.I. 36 Washington St. 4272213
Tuesday to Friday, Office Hours.

LOTTO DRAW  May 12th
Numbers drawn:  3,  7,  12,  23.
€35 CASH
M. Murphy,  K. Barrett,  N. McLoughlin,  A. Storey
Last week’s net “take”       €2,912
Last week’s second Collection       €1,245
The Old Money is still welcome for the Restoration Fund. Box at back of the Church.