Forgiveness & Healing
Happy the person who considers the poor and the weak.
The Lord will save him in the day of evil.
The evil experienced by the psalmist is felt in body and soul. He lies on a bed of pain and confesses that he has sinned against God.
Sometimes healing of the spirit is necessary before physical healing can occur. Jesus first offered the crippled man forgiveness of his sins. Layers of roofing, then layers of guilt and negativity had to be stripped away before Jesus ordered him to stand up, take up his stretcher and walk. It was as if the physical healing came from the mans own strength, newly released after the healing of his inner self.
God is ever ready to forgive our sins. Our part is to prepare ourselves to receive his mercy. Prayer and fasting are good remedies. But better still are acts of kindness and generosity which cost us in money, time or attitude. Charity covers a multitude.
Happy the person who considers the poor and the weak.
The Lord will save him in the day of evil.
Your Choice
As Lent approaches (Ash Wednesday 5th March) and we plan to do something for Lent How about trying to get to morning Mass? We have two daily Masses in our Church: 8 am and 10 am. If the 8 am Mass was brought forward to 7.30 am for the days of Lent (Mass would be over at the latest by 7.50), giving people the opportunity to get to Mass before work or school. We would like to have your views on this.
At the exit doors after Mass today there is a sheet, and if you intend to come to early morning Mass, please indicate which time you prefer: 7.30 am or 8.30 am.
We will let you know the outcome next weekend.
The Trócaire Lenten Family Fast Boxes
will be available next weekend.
The March issue to The Fold will be on sale on the weekend of 8th/9th March. This will be an expanded issue featuring 50th Anniversary material.
Parish Visitation
Fr. John will visit Heatherton and Heatherton Park.
Gala Fashion Show
in aid of the Special Olympics, in Jurys Hotel, Mon. 24th Feb. at 8 pm. Tickets €20 from Pro Musica, Oliver Plunkett St. Tel. 4271659.
Turners Cross Gramophone Circle:
Recital in the Parish Centre Tues. 25th Feb. at 7.45 pm.
Presenter: John OGorman.
Best of Luck, Nemo!
in the All Ireland Club Semi-Final against Errigal Chiarráin in Portlaoise this Sunday 23rd February.
Roll on St. Patricks Day in Croke Park!
Food For Thought
War is always a deeply disturbing prospect; one that can never be contemplated without a sense of failure and regret that other means have not prevailed, and deep disquiet about all that may come in its train.
We are very conscious of the huge burden of responsibility carried by those who must make the ultimate decision in these matters. They are daily in our thoughts and prayers, as are all those who would find themselves caught up directly or indirectly in a war.
Pray that with Gods guidance, an outcome which brings peace with justice to Iraq and the Middle East may yet be found. The events of recent days show that doubts still persist about the moral legitimacy, as well as the unpredictable humanitarian and political consequences, of a war with Iraq.
We recognise that the moral alternative to military action cannot be inaction, passivity, appeasement or indifference. It is vital, therefore, that all sides in this crisis engage, through the United Nations fully and urgently in a process, including continued weapons inspections, that could and should render the trauma of war unnecessary.
We strongly urge the government of Iraq to demonstrate forthwith its unequivocal compliance with UN resolutions on weapons of mass destruction.
The season of Lent is now approaching, a time when all Christian traditions encourage us to examine ourselves honestly, to acknowledge our shortcomings and to seek reconciliation with God. We must hope and pray that, with Gods guidance, an outcome which brings peace with justice to Iraq and the Middle East, may yet be found.
The Leaders of the Churches in England
Prayer for Peace
Lead us from death to life, from falsehood to truth.
Lead us from despair to hope, from fear to trust.
Lead us from hate to love, from war to peace.
Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe.
Let us dream together, pray together, work together,
to build one world of peace and justice for all,
especially for the people of Iraq.
LOTTO DRAW February 17th.
Numbers drawn: 12, 14, 21, 24.
€35 CASH E. Cooke, Falvey, A. McCarthy, R. Neff
Last weeks net take €3,185
Last weeks second Collection €1,140
Anonymous Donation: 100 dollars
Our thanks to the members of the Cork Fire Brigade who gave €1,000 to the Church Restoration Fund, part of the proceeds of their annual Golf Classic.
The Old Money is still welcome for the Restoration Fund. Box at back of the Church.