February 9th 2003 – 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus is Real
The church was packed to overflowing on the night. People long for an experience of healing. Some feel ‘down’ like Job in the first reading. Many are desperately seeking hope, which can be hard to pin down, with life lived at such a hectic pace.
The disciples brought all who were sick or possessed to Jesus. He is still there for us now, but are we bringing people to him? Do people know Jesus through you or do they just know about him from you? Are we too private or closed about our faith to bring people all the way to Jesus?
Jesus is real now and we can only appreciate that through following his example of prayer. We experience him as real when we are in relationship with him and only then can we bring others to that experience they long for.
He is within us in the Eucharist, in the people we’ll encounter this week, among us when we gather in his name and when each of us relates to him in prayer. Yes, he is here, every day. What can we learn from the Gospel healing stories and from present-day big occasions to help us experience Jesus as real every day?
Can I bring someone with me when I come to our Mass for the Sick and the Anointing of the Sick here in our Church next Tuesday?

Lourdes Pilgrimage Invalid Fund
Special Collection at all Masses after Communion this weekend, 8/9 Febr. The Collection goes towards helping invalids and carers to go to Lourdes.

World Day of Prayer for the Sick
This Tuesday 11th February, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, is World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
The 10 am Mass on Tuesday will be offered for the sick. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be given during the Mass.
If anyone needs transport to come to this Mass, please phone Fr. Kerry or Fr. John. Phone numbers on this Bulletin.

Prayers for those who are sick or worried

Lord, I appreciate even more the gift of good health.
Keep me focused on what is essential in life.
Continue your healing within me,
healing in mind and body,
so that I use my gifts in service of others.

Lord, you know what I need,
so I place my life and its needs in your care.
Without you, I am not. Without you, I cannot be.

Before Surgery
I thank you, Lord,
for those men and women who care for me.
Give skill to their hands, wisdom to their minds,
and sympathy and understanding to their hearts
as I place my days in your loving care.

Lord, do not forget me.
May my cry for help reach your ears.
Pick me up when I am troubled,
Calm my stress and anxiety.
You are my strength.

While Ill
Lord, I place myself in your loving care.
Send me consolation in my sorrow,
courage in my fear and healing in my illness.
May I accept whatever lies ahead.  

Passion Play
will take place in our Church on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week under the direction of Pierce Gunn, who directed the Play in Holy Trinity Church for a number of years.
If you are interested in taking part, we invite you to come along to the Church next Wednesday 12th February at 7.30 pm. No previous acting experience is required.

Parish Visitation
Fr. Kerry will visit homes on Evergreen Road and Tory Top Road this week.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
The monthly meeting will take place on Tuesday 11th February at 8 pm in the Parish Centre.

LOTTO DRAW February 3rd
Numbers drawn:  4,  16,  18,  26.
€35 CASH
V. McNally,   J. Twohig,   M. Scannell,   J. Roche
Last week’s net “take”       €3,141
Last week’s second Collection       €1,190
The Old Money is still welcome for the Restoration Fund. Box at back of the Church.