John the Baptist began preaching. He wanted people to turn from their sins. He must have made a big impact; we are told that all Judaea and all Jerusalem came out to him to be baptised.
We wonder why he made such a big impact. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he was doing penance himself. He wore a camel skin and ate very little.
John lived out in his life what he preached. Tat made a difference. He was in touch with reality. He admitted that he was much less than the one to come after him.
I like to think that young people were attracted to him. They always know who is genuine.
The danger with penance is that it can become a sham. Then it is not penance at all. Real penance involves a change of heart and lifestyle. It involves admitting that Jesus is more important than I am. Easy to say and hard to do. But necessary all the same. May we learn from John the Baptist to live what we preach and preach Jesus and not ourselves.
St. Josephs Young Priests Society
Monthly meeting on Tues. 10th Dec. at 8 pm in the Parish Centre.
Christ the King Girls Primary School
present The Story of Christmas in aid of the School Development Fund here in the Church of Christ the King on Mon. 16th Dec. at 7.30 pm.
Admission : Adults €5, Children €2. Everyone welcome.
LArche Christmas Craft Fair
on this Sunday 8th Dec. from 10 am to 5 pm, at LArche Community, Togher. (Next to the Church & Primary School).
The Annual General Meeting of Comhar Creidmheasa Chríost Rí Teo.
will be held on Monday 9th Dec. in Scoil Chríost Rí at 8 pm. Each member earnestly requested to attand.
Jesus v Santa
This weekend Santa is ubstalled in the spot where the Crib will be built later on in the month. We invite families with children to take a scroll from the basket beside Santa. The scroll contains a letter to the children and their parents from Santa, and his suggestions on how to prepare for the coming of Jesus and to give Jesus a gift on Christmas Day.
Would you like to donate a Ponseta Pot Plant ( Red) to decorate our altar for Christmas?
The City of Cork Male Voice Choir will make a return visit to our Church for the Vigil Mass on Saturday 14th Dec. at 6 pm.
The FOLD Christmas 2002, €1.30.
Fr. James McSweeney on his trip to Tanzania with load of Irish goats!
Fr. Pat Hickeys new book on Famine in West Cork
The Examiners coverage of church scandals
Possibilities for faith in a Harry Potter world
Bill Clarke CM on how the Church in France has come through crisis
and much more!
Numbers drawn: 4, 12, 21, 26.
€35 CASH
M & J Weldon, E. Fennell, Mary, M. ORiordan
Last weeks net take €3,295
Last weeks second Collection €1,143
Anonymous Donation: €150
There will be refreshments for all Lotto Promoters this Monday 9th Dec. 6 pm 7.30 pm.
There will be two Lotto Draws on Monday 23rd Dec. for that night and the 30th Dec. The first Lotto Draw of the New Year will be on Tuesday 7th January.
Parish Christmas Card
Packets of 6 cards €4 from the Parish Office after Mass and during the week.
A TRIDUUM of Masses will be offered in our Church on 25, 26, 27 Dec. A card is available €2.50.
Old Money still welcome. Box at back of Church
Christmas Day Sponsored Swim
For those not participating in the swim, if they would take a Sponsorship Card. They are available from the Parish Office today and during the week to support those taking the plunge including our Fr. John.
Three in a Row
Our good wishes to Nemo Rangers as they play the Limerick Champions Monaleen in the Munster Football Final this Sunday 8th Dec. in Killarney at 2 pm