November 3rd 2002 – 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

A Gem
Today’s short Psalm is a real little gem. It is the prayer of knowing one’s place before God. This attitude before God results in the twin virtues of humility and trustfulness.
Humility is a word that comes from the Latin, humus, meaning the earth. Humility means down-to-earth truthfulness about yourself. It recognises one’s talents as well as one’s limitations.
I have not gone after things too great
nor marvels beyond me.
Pride brings out ugly traits in the personality. It makes people haughty, judgmental and competitive, like the Pharisees in today’s gospel.
Pride makes people think they have no need of God. But the humble soul is happy to recognise that need. This gives one access to a supernatural source of help. Like the contented child in mother’s arms, the soul finds strength and serenity in God.
Constant repetition of this little psalm can be a source of peace and serenity.

The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls began on Sat. 2nd  November (All Souls Day) and ends on Sun. November 10th. The names of your Dead are placed in front of the altar. When returning your envelope you may place it in the box at the altar.
Let us encourage one another, as a family, to sit down and participate in putting our list of deceased together.

Indulgences for the Holy Souls
A. From 12 noon on 1st Nov. until midnight on 2nd Nov. by visiting a church and there reciting one Our Father and the Apostles Creed and praying for the Pope’s intentions.
B. From 1st to 8th Nov. by visiting a cemetery and praying for the Dead (as above). A further condition is to confess and receive Holy Communion between 1st and 8th November.

Novena Masses: 8 am (except Sat.), 10 am & 6 pm each weekday.

Prayer Ceremony & Blessing of Graves
will take place in  our local Cemetery, St. Joseph’s, on this  Sunday 3rd November at 3.00 p.m.
Also in St. Michael’s Cemetery, Blackrock, at 3.00 p.m.
Bring a little container to take some of the water that will be blessed at the ceremony to sprinkle on your family grave.

Mass of Remembrance and Bereavement Service: Sunday 10th Nov.
As a community we will have the opportunity to come together on Sunday next 10 Nov. at 10.30 a.m. to remember all our loved ones, especially those who have died in he past year, and to support one another in our loss. Family members will be invited to light a light in memory of their loved ones and place it on the altar before Mass. Lights will be available.

Prayer for the Holy Souls
Lord, hear our earnest plea for our loved ones whom you have called from this life. In reparation for their sins, we humbly ask of you to offer now to God our loving Father
the infinite atonement you made on Calvary, and which you continue to make daily in the Mass. Through your merits, let the Holy Souls find full remission of the punishment due to their faults while on earth.
Deepen our faith, Lord Jesus, in the value of offering our Mass and prayers for the souls in Purgatory, Eternal Father, we offer our Mass in union with the Masses offered throughout the world today for the souls in Purgatory. Comfort us in our loneliness and help us to accept your will always. Bring our departed loved ones into your home of everlasting happiness and grant that one day we ourselves may join them there, to rejoice with you for ever. AMEN.

We remember in our prayers:
Dominic Rohan, late of Windmill Road, who died in England.  May he rest in peace.

Parish Visitation
Fr. John will visit homes in Greenhhills Estate.
Fr. Kerry will visit homes on Mount Pleasant Road.

We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the envelopes for the Autumn Dues in the Sacristy next weekend.

LOTTO DRAW Oct. 29th
Numbers drawn:  14,  16,  17,  19.
€1650 WINNER: D. O’Connor
€35 CASH
T. Kelly,  C. Loughlin,  P. O’Mahony,  A. Murphy
Promoters Prize:    €35  P. Walsh
Last week’s net “take”       €3,143
Last week’s second Collection       €1,112

Old Money still welcome for the Restoration Fund.
Box at the back of the Church.

Parish Christmas Card
A very fine Christmas Card depicting our Restored Church will be on sale the weekend of 17th Nov. in aid of the Restoration Fund.