October 27th 2002 – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Beyond Price
What’s the difference between a legalist and a lover? The legalist keeps score, the lover doesn’t. Love thinks of how it might give more, do more, demonstrate love more fully. There are many examples of people who are poor in pocket but rich in love.
More than anything else, God wants to be in a love relationship with you (Gospel). He wants your love more than your obedience or service! But if you love God, you will do those other things.
In a debater on whether the Church costs too much, a man wrote in. He told of how 27 years previously a beautiful baby girl was born to them. From the start she cost, in clothes, healthcare, education. With university came fees and bank loans. She fell in love, her wedding cost. A year on in marriage, she fell seriously ill and died. Since they walked away from her grave, she didn’t cost them a penny.
His remark? If you love someone or something, be it child or church, you’ll give everything you have and won’t mind. Only something dead is no longer expensive.
So are you legalist or lover, alive or dead in how you live your faith? Your life shapes your response to this great commandment.

Thank You
to the young people who led us in our ceremony for Mission Sunday. The collection for the Missions came to €1,900.

Mass of Remembrance and Bereavement Service:  Sunday 10 Nov.
As a community we will have the opportunity to come together on Sunday 10 November at 10.30 a.m. to remember all our loved ones, especially those who have died in the past year, and to support one another in our loss. Family members will be invited to light a night light in memory of their loved ones. Light lights will be available: 20c.

Prayer Ceremony and Blessing of Graves
will take place in our local cemetery, St. Joseph’s, on Sunday next 3rd November at 3.00 p.m.
Also in St. Michael’s Cemetery, Blackrock, at 3.00 p.m.
Bring a little container to take some of the water that will be blessed at the ceremony to sprinkle on your family grave.

There will be no 8 am Mass on this Monday 28th October, because of the Bank Holiday.

Feast of All Saints
Friday next 1st November is the Feast of All Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation.
Vigil Mass on Thursday at 6 pm.
Friday Masses:  8 am,  10 am,  12 noon.

Saturday November 2nd is All Souls Day
Masses:  10 am  & 11 am.  Vigil Mass:  6 pm.

The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls
begins on Saturday 2nd Nov. and continues until Sun. 10th.
Please return the list of your Dead to the Box at the altar rail during the week.
Envelopes are available at the back of the church.
The times of the weekday Masses during the Novena will be:
8 am,  10 am,  6 pm.

PARISH OFFICE   021-4312465
Manufacturers and Suppliers of the following Services:
Services to the Elderly & the Community:
House alarms, smoke alarms, window & door mortice locks, door chains, door viewers, painting & decorating, grass cut, paths cleared, house maintenance,
household furniture made to order, furniture repair service, doors hung, skirting board, architrave, dado rails, timber floors laid.
No job too small. Ask for a quote.
Garden Furniture:
Benches, trellis, dog boxes, wheelbarrows, window boxes, wishing wells, bird tables, garden fences / gates made, supplied and fitted to any size.
The services will be available through the Parish Office Tel. 4312465 from the week beginning 11th Nov. 2002. There will be a display of these services & products in the Parish Centre during that week.

We remember in our prayers:
  John O’Brien,  Friars Road,
  Mary Murray,  Woolhara Park,
and we extend our sympathy to their families.

Turners Cross Gramophone Circle
The Recital due for Tuesday 29th October has been deferred to Tuesday 5th November at 7.45 pm.
Presenter:  Jim Aherne  (Cathedral).

LOTTO DRAW Oct. 21st.
Numbers drawn:  9,  13,  14,  25.
€35 CASH
C. Hanley, G. McSweeney, P.J. O’Callaghan, M. Hourigan
Last week’s net “take”       €3,239
Anonymous Donations:    €500, €50    
Proceeds of recent Parish Concert:    net. €21,110
Many thanks to all.

Because of the Bank Holiday the Lotto Draw will take place on Tuesday 29th. at 7.30 in Parish Centre.    

Dublin City Marathon
Eddie Mullane will be running in the Marathon this Bank Holiday Monday in aid of the Restoration Fund. Thanks to Sullivans Funeral Home for sponsoring Eddie. If you wish to sponsor Eddie, the Box is at the back of the Church and Sponsorship cards are in the Sacristy.