September 29th 2002 – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God’s Goodness and Mercy
Do not remember the sins of my youth..
In your love remember me,
because of your goodness, O Lord.
A great many people are tortured by the sins of years long past. The beauty of today’s reading is that God’s goodness is totally willing to accept our repentance. Even if at first we refused God but later changed our decision, God accepts the change of heart.
Paul urged the Philippians to change their thinking into the mind of Christ. Remembrance of past sins should not lead so much to constant bewailing as to the celebration of God;s goodness and mercy. Sorrow for sin ought to make us all the more appreciative of God’s mercy.
Remember me, Lord,  not because of my sins, but out of your goodness.
Lord, make me know your ways, teach me your paths.
You are God, my Saviour.
May this belief change my gloom into the constant celebration of your mercy.

Thank You
Sr. Augustine of Marymount Hospice, Wellington Road, has written to thank all who supported the recent Coffee Morning in aid of the Hospice.  
€600 was raised.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
Saint Joseph’s Young Priests Society was founded in 1895 by a lay woman named Olivia Taaffe.
Notwithstanding the title, it is a lay society which promotes the vocation to the priesthood by prayer and helps financially those in need who respond to the call of Christ at home and overseas. The basic purpose of the Society is to extend the Kingdom of God.
One cannot foster vocations to the priesthood or religious life in isolation from the Christian life of the family, the parish, the school. Everything we do to foster Christian values and prayer is part of the vocations apostolate.
The responsibility for vocations does not lie primarily on the shoulders of the few, but on the whole Christian community. The vocations apostolate is central to the whole life of the Church.
We are blessed in our Parish to have a branch of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society. They will hold their A.G.M. in the Parish Centre this Tuesday 1st October beginning with ass at 7.30 pm.
In aid of the Church Restoration Fund

City of Cork Male Voice Choir
Rowland Gregory Orpheus Singers Choir from Australia
Fiona O’Reilly   (soprano)
David Watkin-Holmes  (tenor)
Cork Barrack Street Band
Christ the King Church Wednesday October 16th, 8 pm
Tickets  €12 available from the Parish Office (weekend & weekdays) and from Pro Musica (weekdays).
Sponsored by O’Shea Builders

We remember in our prayers
Nancy Madden,  Friars Road, who died during the week.
We extend our sympathy to her family.

Coeliac Society
The Southern Branch will hold a meeting in the SMA Centre, Wilton, on Tuesday 1st Oct. at 8 pm.

Irish Heart Foundation
This Sunday is ‘World Heart Day’. To mark the event the Irish Heart Foundation is holding a walk from Sunset Ridge Hotel at 11.30 am to walk to Blarney. This is not a fund raising event and we ask all who can to participate.

Important Date — Sunday 6th October
The County Senior Football Final
Nemo Rangers v Bishopstown
Páirc Uí Caoimh
Come and support the team

Numbers drawn:  10,  12,  26,  27.
€35 CASH
McQuinn,  Mrs Walsh,  “Mother”,  W. Cooney
Last week’s net “take”       €3,043
Old Money if still out there can be changed in aid of the Restoration Fund. Box at the back of the Church.
The Lotto Draw will take place on Monday 30th September at 7.30 pm sharp in the Parish Centre.
The Lotto results appear each week on the Parish Website