Christ the King Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Sunday 18th Friday 25th August
Cost: €570 (£449) fully inclusive.
Hotel Solitude short walk from Grotto
Booking Forms can be obtained in the Sacristy after Mass or from Fr. Kerry or Fr. John.
Names and deposit of €100 have to be in by 20th March.
The Referendum
The Statement from the Irish Bishops Conference will be available as you leave Mass today.
It is the responsibility and the entitlement of the bishops in communion with Pope John Paul to offer guidance to our people regarding the proposed Constitutional Amendment.
In their statement, the Catholic bishops welcome and support the proposed referendum as a significant anti-abortion measure and as a major improvement on the current unsatisfactory legal situation.
Bishop Buckley in his letter says, the Catholic Bishops of Ireland, while they are not telling you how to vote, are encouraging you to vote Yes next Wednesday as the best option in this particular situation. It is my honest conviction and genuine belief, taking all the issues into account, that it is best to vote Yes.
We encourage all to vote on Wednesday and ask that these coming days be a time of special prayer for Gods guidance.
We believe that this is an opportunity that should not be lost.
A Prayer for Life
O God, we thank and praise you for the gift of life and we ask that you awaken in the hearts of all men and women respect for life born and unborn. Amen.
The Fold
The Spring issue is on sale after the Masses. Also, the Catholic Newspapers, The Irish Catholic and The Universe.
Parish Visitation
Fr. John will visit Greenhhills Estate.
Fr. Kerry will visit Evergreen Road.
We remember in our prayers Nora OKeeffe of Evergreen Road who died during the week, and we extend our sympathy to her sisters and relatives.
Church Restoration Fund
Monster Hamper
Hamper on display and Tickets on sale after Mass
in the Church Porch. Please support.
Numbers drawn: 3, 12, 15, 26.
€35 CASH
Mrs ODonovan, K. Porter, K. Dorgan, P. McCarthy
Last weeks net take €3,485
Last weeks second Collection €1,075
Promoters Prize: Susan Punch €35
Donation Christ the King Girls Secondary School Cake Sale: €100
Anonymous Donations: €200, €130, €105, €20
The Change is still welcome!
There is still time to donate your coins to the Church Restoration Fund. Collection Box at the rear of the Church.. Last week €86 came in. Many thanks for your Contributions.