March 10th 2002 – 4th Sunday of Lent

Parish Visitation
Fr. John will visit Heatherton
Fr. Kerry will visit Evergreen Road & Tory Top Road

We pray for the souls of:
Elizabeth O’Brien,  Windmill Road, and
Jack Mannion,  Summerhill South
who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
Monthly meeting Monday 11th March in Christ the King Girls School at 8 pm.

Spring Dues
We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the envelopes for the Spring Dues from the sacristy this weekend.

Turners Cross Community Playgroup
now re-opened at 25 Capwell Road. Vacancies available for the Afternoon Session 1 — 3 pm for 3 & 4 year olds.
Tel.  (021) 4915934.

Vocations Day
at Ennismore, Sat. 23 March 10 am — 4.30 pm
This is our 5th year organising this Vocations Day, and we feel it is well worthwhile.
The purpose of the Day is to bring together people who may have an openness to the possibility of a vocation to the priesthood. It is aimed at those in college or work and is also open to Leaving Cert students. If you know of young people who may have expressed an interest in the priesthood I would ask you to encourage them to attend.  —  Bishop Buckley

Christ the King Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Sunday 18th — Friday 23rd August
Cost:  €570 (£449)  fully inclusive.
Hotel Solitude — short walk from Grotto
Booking Forms can be obtained in the Sacristy after Mass or from Fr. Kerry or Fr. John.
Names and deposit of €100 have to be in by 20th March.

Numbers drawn:  1,  2,  10,  27.
€35 CASH
B. Hill,  E. O’Keeffe,  L. Whooley,  A. Staunton
Last week’s net “take”       €3,674
Last week’s second Collection       €919
Anonymous Donations:    €120,  €65  
The Change is still welcome!
There is still time to donate your coins to the Church Restoration Fund. Collection Box at the rear of the Church.. Last week €50 came in.  Many thanks.

Easter Raffle Monster Hamper
Hamper on display and Tickets on sale after Mass
in the Church Porch.   Please support.

Did you know?

* of the 800 million malnourished people in the world, 200 million are children.
* In developing countries, 1 child in 10 dies before their fifth birthday. In the U.S. it is 1 in 165.
* A house cat in the U.S.A. will eat more beef in a single year than a man in Bangladesh or a woman in Haiti.
Am I using my Trócaire Box?