February 10th 2002 – 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

World Day of Prayer for the Sick
Pope John Paul in 1993: “This day seeks to be for all believers ‘an intense moment of prayer, sharing, offering suffering for the good of the Church, and a call for everyone to recognise in the faces of our sick brothers and sisters the Holy Face of Christ who, in suffering, dying and rising again, carried out the salvation of humanity.’”
We mark the day in our Parish this Monday 11th Feb, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, with Mass and Anointing of the Sick in Sullivans Funeral Home at 10 am.

Parish Visitation
Fr. Kerry will visit homes on Fr. Matthew Road this week.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
Monthly meeting this Monday 11th February at 8 pm in the Girls Primary School.

Back to the Church
After three weeks in exile we move back to the Church this coming weekend 17/18 February.
We would like to thank Nemo Rangers and the Girls Primary School for their generosity in making these venues available to the Parish.
The Priests of the Parish would like to apologise for any inconvenience this disruption may have caused over the past three weekends. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Weekday Masses will continue in Sullivans Funeral Home at 8 am and 10 am.

Diocesan Directory for Cork & Ross 2002. €3.
on sale after Mass today — a most useful “phone-side” book.

Ash Wednesday — 13th February
Mass times:
Sullivans Funeral Home: 8 am & 10 am
Girls Primary School Hall:  7 pm
Ashes will be blessed and distributed at all these Masses.
Ash Wednesday is a day of Fast & Abstinence.

Numbers drawn:  4,  6,  21,  25.
€35 CASH
A. O’Brien,   T. O’Regan,   Brady,   I. Dwyer
Last week’s net “take”       €3885
Last week’s Second Collection       €855
The Change is coming to an end!
There is still time to donate your coins to the Church Restoration Fund. Collection Box at the rear of the Hall. Last week €371 came in. Many thanks for all your Contributions.        

Questions People Ask
Q. Why are ashes used for the start of Lent? Do these ashes have special power?
A. This time last year the news carried horrific pictures of sheep reduced to ashes. Ashes are a grim reminder that nothing in this world will last forever, except for the spiritual qualities of faith, hope and love. There is no special power attached to the blessed ashes. Accepting the ashes is a statement that one is undertaking some form of penance during Lent.
Penance could take the form of giving up something we like or resolving to improve in some area of life. Or we can take on more prayer, better reading, cutting down on television, giving more time to visiting others.

Litany of the Carer
For the helping hand    We thank you, O Lord.
For the listening ear    We thank you, O Lord.
For the gentle touch    We thank you, O Lord.
For the sensitive word    We thank you, O Lord.
For the card of support    We thank you, O Lord.
For the bunch of flowers    We thank you, O Lord.
For the spiritual gifts    We thank you, O Lord.
For the professional help    We thank you, O Lord.
For the voluntary services    We thank you, O Lord.