September 8th 2002 – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mending Fences
Many people shift into denial when problems occur: ignoring the dashboard light, avoiding the issue. We even treat relational breakdown like a car. Tempted to leave it if the repair is too difficult, time-consuming or costly.
For some people,  relationships are a source of constant unrelenting  pain:
— a treasured friendship lost or scarred;
— a marriage where you have wounded one another and every conversation has an undertone of anger, defensiveness or hurt;
— a brother, sister, mother, father, son or daughter with whom you are no longer speaking.
Where once there was laughter and joy there is now only tension, anger or silence.
Is there anything we can and SHOULD do about it?
The Gospel gives us some practical ground rules:
1. Go to them in private.
2. Go ready to listen before speaking.
3. Go ready to speak the truth in love.
4. Go with a reconciling spirit.
Reconciliation is often possible . . . but we need to take the first step!
So: Who did you think of when reading this Gospel? Mend a fence, don’t keep sitting on it.

Ladies Evening Echo Mini–Marathon
Sunday next 15th September at 2 pm
—  5 miles  —
in aid of the Church Restoration Fund,
Sponsorship cards available in the Sacristy.
Entry Forms appear in the Evening Echo
Come on, ladies — have a go!

A Parish Office
is now in place in the old mortuary at the back of the Church
Office Hours    9 am — 5 pm
For first week  9 am — 1 pm
More details next week

Weekday Morning Masses:    8 am & 10 am

First Anniversary
The 10 am Mass on Wednesday 11th September will be offered in our Church for all who lost their lives in the Trade Center, New York, and the Pentagon tragedies a year ago.
Their families will also be in our prayers.

We remember in our prayers
   Tommy Whelan, Fr. Matthew Road,
who died recently. We extend our sympathy to his family.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
The monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th September at 8 pm in the Parish Centre.

Many Thanks
There was a tremendous response to the appeal for clothes etc. for the Embul-Bul Kenya Project.

Coffee Morning
in aid of Marymount in the Parish Centre on Thursday 19th September after the 10 am Mass.

The Southern Health Board urgently need people to care for young people aged 12 and over. If interested please contact  – Teenage Fostering, Fostering Resources Unit, St. Finbarr’s Hospital, Cork.  Tel. (021) 4923025.

For information on Pre-Marriage courses, Natural Family Planning, contact N.A.O.M.I. 4272213 Tues — Fri office hrs.

The Fold, Autumn 2002,  €1.30
Trends in vocations in the diocese over the past 100 years.
Reports on several church refurbishment projects: Monkstown, Glenville, St. Patricks, and others.
Fr. John Newman on why the ‘faith of our fathers’ is dying.
Reports from lay missionaries
Clerical changes & obituaries.

LOTTO DRAW September 2nd
Numbers drawn:  3,  5,  6,  10.
€35 CASH
J. Roche,   A. Murphy,   J. Bowen,   A. Bracken
Last week’s net “take”       €3,186
Last week’s second Collection       €1,126
Anonymous Donations:        €500,  €100

Our thanks to all who have sponsored furnishings. Some seats still available:  €400.

The Lotto Draw will take place on Monday 9th September at 7.30 pm sharp in the Parish Centre.
The Lotto results appear each week on the Parish Website

CONCERT – Christ the King Church, Wednesday October 16th, 8pm sharp
City of Cork Male Voice Choir
Rowland Gregory Orpheus Singers Choir
from Australia
Fiona O’Reilly   (soprano)
Nyle Wolfe  (baritone)
Cork Barrack Street Band

Tickets  €12
from Pro-Musica, Parish Office, Your Lotto Promoter
Sponsored by O’Shea Builders

Piano Lessons — Phone no. error last week.
Read: Contact Áine at 087 – 7516422 / 4313873.