August 18th 2002 – 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Late change of departure times
Departure: Sunday 20.10
Check in: Sunday  18.10
We would like to wish all who are travelling a relaxing and prayerful pilgrimage.

Gospel Reflection
The playful and witty banter between Jesus and the Canaanite woman in today’s gospel shows her to be a woman not only of faith but of shrewdness. Although she pretends to “know her place”, she succeeds nicely in appealing to Jesus’s sensitivities, and is rewarded not for her clever words but for her persistent faith. Jesus then holds her up to us as an example to follow.

We remember in our Masses and prayers:
Betty Barrett,  Willow Court.
May she rest in peace. Our sympathy to her family.

Congratulations to Donna Mangan, 1 Curragh Road, and Conor Hannon, Ballyclough, Mallow, who were married in Christ the King Church on Thursday 15th August.

The Declan Wolfe Stage School
now taking enrolments for the new term of Speech & Drama.
All ages. Contact Declan on (021) 489 1249 / 087 677 1960.

Ladies Evening Echo Mini–Marathon Sunday 15th September at 2 pm
It would be great to have parishioners participating in aid of the Church Restoration Fund, or, if not, to sponsor those who do. Sponsorship cards available in the Sacristy.

Entry Forms appear in the Evening Echo
Fr. John & Fr. Kerry have permission to participate !!
Come and join them

LOTTO DRAW: 12th August
Numbers drawn:  3,  9,  15,  24.
1 winner: Lou Bolger
€35 CASH
E. Fennell, Marian & Eileen, Mr. Hurley, Mrs Kenny
Congratulations to Lou on winning last week’s Jackpot of €3,275
Last week’s net “take”       €3,134
Last week’s Collection       €1,136
Anonymous Donations:    €15,  €10    

Our thanks to all who have sponsored Church
furnishings. Still available:
(1) a seat with memorial plate:   €400.
(2) a slab for front of Church paving:   €25.

Old Money
If there is still old Irish money out there it can be changed in aid of the Restoration Fund. There is a box at the back of the Church.
The Lotto Draw will take place on Monday 19th August at 7.30 pm sharp in the Parish Centre.
The Lotto results appear each week on the Parish Website

Loop System for Hearing Impaired
If you have a hearing aid, the Loop System is now working in the Church. Switch your hearing aid to T