June 30th 2002 – 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The modern tourist takes for granted the easy availability of roadside facilities like cafes, service stations, country inns, city hotels.
In the time of Elisha there were no ´B&Bs´, guest houses or fast food stops. One had to depend on the hospitality of friends to survive.
The hospitality Elisha receives at the Shunemite couple´s home is obviously of ´Grade A´ standard because he makes a habit of stopping off there! Anyway, the couple´s generous hospitality is rewarded: soon the attic of the prophet becomes the nursery of a newborn son!
Hospitality is precious in God´s eyes. Indeed it´s a basic Christian responsibility: ´Make hospitality your special care´, St. Paul urged. And yet, it needn´t be of a heroic degree. All that the Shunemite couple offered Elisha was floor space, food and friendship.
Likewise, the ´cup of cold water´ is a symbol of all the small tokens of hospitality: a moment to pause and greet another, a word of interest, appreciation or encouragement; a phone-call or a letter; time freely given; a visit to the sick or elderly person living alone . . .
Hospitality towards others, whatever its statement, denotes welcome for Christ. In the end, it is he himself who is our guest!

We offer our sympathy and prayers to the families of
Anne Curtin,  Friars Road,
Ellen Cogan,  Congress Road,
Derry Horgan,  Mercier Park,
Mary Parsons,  Ashdale Park
who died recently.  May they rest in peace.

The Annual Peter´s Pence Collection
will be taken up at the Second Collection this weekend
The Collection goes to Papal Charities

An All Night Vigil of Reparation
in the presence of Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament
is being  held in the South Presentation Convent Chapel
on the First Friday, 5th July, at 10 pm
and concludes with Mass at 6 am on Saturday 6th July.

Theology Summer School
Dominican Centre, Popes Quay
4th – 7th July, 2002.
This Year´s Theme:
´The Church, Changing or Ending´
Speakers and Topics are posted on the notice board at the back of the Church.

LOTTO DRAW June 24th:
Numbers drawn:  7,  16,  17,  18.
€35 CASH
P. Warner,  A. O´Neill,  Mrs O´Donovan,  D. Mulloy
Last week´s net ´take´  €3,316
Last week´s second Collection €1,050
Promoter´s Prize    E. Gibbons
Staff & Pupils of Ashbourne Community School, Co. Meath  €200
Anonymous Donations: €50,  €10    

Our thanks to all who have sponsored Church
furnishings. Still available:
(1) a seat with memorial plate:  €400.
(2) a slab for front of Church paving: €25.
The Lotto Draw takes place in the Parish Centre on Mondays at 7.30 pm sharp.

Coffee Morning
in aid of the Church Restoration Fund on this Wednesday 3rd July in the Parish Centre after the 10 am Mass.

The Things I Fail to Do
It isn´t the things you do,
it´s the things you leave undone
which give you a little heartache
a the setting of the sun.
The gentle word forgotten,
the letter you didn´t write;
the flowers you might have sent
are your haunting ghosts tonight.
The stone you might have lifted
out of your brother´s way;
the little heart-felt counsel
you were hurried too much to say.
The tender touch of the hand,
the gentle and kindly tone,
which we have no time or thought for,
with troubles enough of our own.