June 16th 2002 – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

What’s in a Name?
‘What’s in a name?’ . . . Always an eye-catching heading in any newspaper or magazine. We’re intrigued by the significance of a name – its meaning, symbolism and calling.
The ‘headline’ in this Sunday’s Gospel centres on the names of 12 individuals. And very much  a ‘liquorice allsorts’, ‘pick n’ mix’ bunch they were too! Besides they had no wealth, special education or social perks. Yet, these were the very foundation stones upon which God’s household was built. The pillars of the Church!
As with the 12 apostles, Jesus freely calls each of us by name. With our varying backgrounds, occupations, talents and limitations he calls us to spread his message. Moreover, Jesus sees not only what we are but also what we can become. And he’s looking not so much for people who can do extraordinary things, as those who can do ordinary things extraordinarily well. So nobody need ever worry that they’ve nothing to offer, since Jesus can use what we offer to build up the Christian community.
The word ‘apostle’ means ‘one who is sent out’. After Mass we’re ‘sent out’ to further God’s kingdom on earth. The surest way to make a name for ourselves!

The Fold, Summer 2002.  €1.30
We have got extra copies of the Fold, which includes  a full colour feature on the recent Re-dedication of our Church.
On sale at the back of the Church.
Also, the Irish Catholic paper.

Tennis Coaching in July/August
Boys & Girls 6 — 15 yrs. Monday to Friday
Register on Wednesday June 19th, 2.30 — 3.30 pm
at Togher Tennis Courts, Clashdubh Road

LOTTO DRAW,  June 10th.
Numbers Drawn:  1,  14,  26,  27.
€35 CASH : L. Bevan,  T. Collins, B. McShane, P. McDonald
Last week’s net “take”: €3,965
Last week’s second Collection  €1,180
Anonymous Donations: €60,  €50,  €5  

The Lotto Draw takes place in the Parish Centre on Mondays at 7.30 pm sharp.

Our thanks to all who have sponsored Church
furnishings. Still available:
(1) a seat with memorial plate:  €400.
(2) a slab for front of Church paving: €25.

If the Jackpot is not won next week it will reach €10,000. What we plan to do is this:  It will be frozen at €10,000 and there will be two draws each Monday:
The First Draw: for €10,000. If not won it will remain at that amount each week.
The Second Draw: for €1,000, will increase by €325 each week if not won.
So, for the same €1.50 or €3 you will be in the two draws each week until the €10,000 is won.
All the tickets will be checked twice as two sets of numbers will be drawn. There will be four cash prizes of €35 each week.
Thank you for supporting the Lotto in aid of the Church Restoration Fund.

Hearing Audio Loop
Those with hearing aids can now switch on to the letter T on their hearing aid, as the Hearing Audio Loop is now available in our Church.

Remember These Words
Don’t let go of hope.
Hope gives you the strength to keep going
when you feel like giving up.
Don’t ever quit, believe in yourself.
Don’t let anyone hold your happiness in their hands,
hold it in yours, so it will always be within your reach.
Don’t measure success or failure by material wealth,
do so by how you feel, our feelings determine the
richness of our lives.
Don’t let bad moments overcome you, be patient
and they will pass.
Don’t hesitate to reach out for help,
we all need it from time to time.
Don’t run from love but towards love,
because it is our deepest joy.
Don’t wait for what you want to come to you,
go after it with all you are,
knowing that life will meet you halfway.
Any time you learn something new about yourself
or about life, you have progressed.
Don’t ever forget to laugh or be too proud to cry.
It is in being what we are that we live life to the fullest.